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词汇 dying
例句 The fireplace glowed with the dying coals.煤块余烬未灭,在壁炉里发出微光。People like them are a dying breed. 像他们那样的人现在不多见了。People in the drought-stricken region are dying by the hundreds.旱灾地区的人成百上千地死去。Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day.每天都有成千上万的人死于饥饿。I'm dying for a drink.我极想喝点东西。It was her dying wish to see them married. 看到他们结婚是她临终前的愿望。It will stay in my mind till my dying day.它将长存我心,直至生命的终点。It took him years to get over the shock of his wife dying.他妻子死后数年他才从这打击中恢复过来。Attempts to save the dying man failed.拯救这位垂死者的努力失败了。A penalty by Thierry Lacroix broke the deadlock in the dying minutes of the game.蒂里·拉克鲁瓦的点球在比赛结束前的最后时刻打破了僵局。She nursed her dying husband for months.她照料了病入膏肓的丈夫好几个月。There will be outbreaks of rain, gradually dying out later.将有阵雨,稍后会逐渐停止。He envisioned himself dying in a pool of his own blood.他想象自己奄奄一息地躺在血泊里。But that doesn't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying.但那并不意味着这种政治主张已经或正在消亡。The cover photograph of one magazine showed a dying soldier.一本杂志上的封面照片是一名奄奄一息的士兵。It was his dying wish that the house be opened to the public.把这幢房子向公众开放是他的临终遗愿。The dead and the dying were everywhere.到处都是死尸和奄奄一息的人。The country is changing very quickly and many of the old traditions are dying out.该国正迅速地变化,许多旧传统已渐渐消失了。His dying wish was to be laid to rest at the church near his Somerset home.他的遗愿是把他安葬在家乡萨默塞特郡附近的教堂里。He's the last of a dying breed.他这种人世上绝无仅有。She was dying to ask where he'd got it.她极想问他是从哪里弄到的。What a Bob's-a-dying they made!他们简直闹翻天啦!People are dying needlessly every year of heart attacks.每年都有人因心脏病白白死去。The dying man's pulse fluttered feebly.垂死者的脉搏微弱地跳动着。The elm trees are all dying.那些榆树全都奄奄一息了。TV pictures showed a dying bird coated with oil.电视画面上出现了一只身上沾满油污、奄奄一息的小鸟。After a long and adventurous life, he ended up dying in his bed.经历了漫长而惊险的一生,他最后寿终正寝。We're all dying of the heat. 我们都热死了。I'm dying to hear your news.我特别想听到你的消息。I'm dying for a drink - let's go to a bar.我很想喝一杯—我们去酒吧吧。The drug saved the lives of many dying children.这种药挽救了许多濒临死亡的孩子的性命。The music was dying down. The show was over.音乐声渐渐静了下来,演出结束了。People in hospitals are dying because of a shortage of medicine.由于药品短缺,医院里的病人生命垂危。We were dying for a Coke, so we stopped at a fast-food place.我们很想喝杯可乐,因此就在一家快餐店前停了下来。Chandler's goal was in the dying minutes of the game.钱德勒的进球是在最后几分钟里打入的。The town centre is dying, and most of the shops have closed down. It's terribly sad.城镇中心在败落,大部分商铺都关门了。真令人悲哀。Gaelic has been a dying language for many years, though children are nowadays taught it in school.盖尔语多年来一直濒于消亡,尽管如今孩子们还在学校学习这门语言。We've been dying to see that movie.我们一直都很想看那部电影。The emotional climax of the story comes when Sorrell is dying.故事的情感高潮出现在索雷尔咽下最后一口气时。Whoever she was, she sounded as if she was dying.那个不知道是谁的人,听起来她像要死了。




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