例句 |
English and Sanskrit are Indo-European dialects.英语和梵语是同属印欧语系的同源语。Towns only a few miles apart can have entirely different dialects.相距仅几英里的城镇可能有完全不同的方言。Non-standard dialects of English are regional dialects.英语中不规范的方言都是地区性的方言。The various dialects are quite distinct from one another.各种方言之间存在着相当大的差异。The language has widely differing and often mutually incomprehensible regional dialects.这种语言的各种方言差异巨大,相互间往往难以听懂。The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum.克里奥耳语其实是多种方言的一个统一体。 |