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词汇 sequence
例句 Children begin to combine several gestures into a sequence in their pretend play.孩子们在角色扮演游戏里开始把几个手势连起来做。The book explains the sequence of events in engrossing detail.这本书通过引人入胜的细节讲述了整个事件的经过。Only the opening sequence could claim to be genuinely innovatory.只有开场片段能称得上是真正的创新。The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence.摄影机移近主角,准备拍一组特写镜头。 They discussed how to sequence the steps in the plan.他们讨论了如何安排计划各个步骤的顺序。The accident was caused by an unusual sequence/chain/series of events.这次事故是由一连串不寻常的事件酿成的。Soon the simple sequence of swellings of our early neural tube is followed by more complex events.在早期的神经管发生一系列膨胀的简单变化之后,随之而来的是更为复杂的活动。An orienteering race is often a sequence of challenges.定向越野常是一种需奋力突破接二连三难关的运动。One by one the witnesses narrated the sequence of events which led up to the disaster.目击者一个接一个地叙述了导致惨祸发生的一系列事件。We had to follow a complex sequence of movements.我们必须按顺序完成一连串的复杂动作。Please keep the cards in sequence.请把纸牌按顺序排好。Things have to be done in the proper sequence.事情必须按部就班地做。The heroine dies in the closing sequence of the movie.女主人公在影片的结尾场景中死去。The book is more satisfying if you read each chapter in sequence.这本书依次阅读各章效果更好。Guess which number of the following sequence is the odd one out.猜猜看,以下一系列数字中哪个与其他的不一样。The project is nothing less than mapping every gene sequence in the human body.这个项目就是要绘制人体所有基因序列的图谱。Police are attempting to reconstruct the sequence of events on the night of the killing.警方试图重现凶案发生当晚事情的先后顺序。We need to establish the exact sequence of events leading up to the accident.我们需要确定造成这起事故的一系列事件的确切顺序。Cell divisions during development occur in a fixed sequence.发育期间的细胞分裂以固定顺序进行。Would you run over the sequence of events again?你能重新讲一遍事情的顺序吗?The words had to be put into the right sequence.词得按正确顺序排好。This sequence was filmed underwater.这一组片段是在水下拍摄的。He listened to the telephone messages in sequence.他挨个听了电话留言。It's the third in a sequence of three books, the first of which I really enjoyed.这是那套系列书里的第三本,该系列共有三本,我非常喜欢其中的第一本。The correct sequence of numbers must be entered to open the lock.必须按正确顺序输入数字才能打开这把锁。The temporal sequence of the play is confusing for the audience.对于观众来说,该剧的时间顺序很混乱。The keys have to be turned in a particular sequence to open the safe.钥匙必须按特定的顺序转动才能开启保险箱。A computer in the lander masterminds the landing sequence.着陆顺序由着陆器上的计算机操纵。Farmers met with a sequence of bad harvests.农民们遇到了接二连三的坏收成。After she dropped the photographs, they were out of sequence. 她把照片散落在了地上,照片的顺序就乱了。He didn't do a very good job of explaining the sequence of events.他没有把事件发生的前因后果解释清楚。The dancers perform a sequence of wonderfully synchronous movements.舞者们的一段表演整齐划一,十分奇妙。The chronological sequence gives the book an element of structure.时间顺序让这本书有了一定的结构。The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in.电影中最棒的一组镜头出现于罗思在他曾住过的一幢屋子前驻足时。The report detailed the sequence of events that led to the oil spill.报告详细叙述了发生溢油事件的一连串经过。The article describes the chronological sequence of events.文章按时间顺序描述了事件。He described the events of that day in sequence.他按先后次序描述了那一天发生的种种事件。The movie begins with an extended car-chase sequence.影片开始是一大段汽车追逐戏。This sequence features some impressive skydiving action.这组镜头包含震撼人心的特技跳伞场景。The dance is basically a sequence of steps that you repeat over and over again.这种舞基本上就是不断重复一连串舞步。




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