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词汇 separation
例句 She wanted a separation from her husband.她想和丈夫分居。He believes in the separation of the races.他认为应该实施种族隔离。Even geographical separation cannot quell their rivalrous strivings.甚至地理上的间隔也不能使他们之间敌对的斗争平息下来。Moving away meant separation from his family.搬走就意味着与他的家人分离。After years of separation they were finally reunited.离别多年以后,他们终于团聚了。The separation weighed on both of them.分离使他们两人都十分苦恼。The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger.分离焦虑通常表现为愤怒。A common example of separation anxiety occurs when children are left at day care.分离焦虑症常见的例子出现在孩子被留在托儿所的时候。She knew the pain of separation.她知道分离的痛苦。The separation is by mutual agreement.分居是经双方同意的。Talking to a counsellor can help divorcees to bear the pain of separation.找专家谈谈可以帮助离婚的人承受分手的痛苦。Lengthy separation of the boy from his mother could lead to psychological problems.这男孩长期与母亲分开会导致心理上的问题。In the case of separation or divorce, the children's needs should come first.分居或离婚的话,首先应该考虑孩子的需要。They agreed to a trial separation.他们同意暂时分居。Children recover quickly from a brief separation from their parents.孩子与父母短暂分离后会很快缓过来。The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation.团结工会内部已产生的不愉快分歧可能会进一步演变为分裂。All children will tend to suffer from separation from their parents and siblings.所有的孩子和他们的父母及兄弟姐妹分开后往往都会难过。The couple agreed on a trial separation.这对夫妻同意尝试性分居。Since the separation they've each been seeing different people.自从分居以后,他们各自都在和别人交往。The things she saw and heard every day made her ever more sharply aware of the separation between herself and her family.每天的所见所闻让她比任何时候都更强烈地意识到自己和家人的分离。He said he understood her doubts and perhaps a trial separation might be the answer.他说他理解她的疑虑,也许试着分居一段时间就能解决问题。They're considering separation as an option.他们正在考虑选择分居。The separation of many years has dried up their intimacy.多年的分离使他们不再亲密无间。The anxiety of the separation often expresses itself as anger towards the child for getting lost.离散带来的焦虑常常体现为对走失的孩子发火。The U.S. Constitution calls for the separation of church and state. 美国宪法要求政教分离。She had been driven over the edge by the separation from her husband.丈夫离她而去,把她逼向疯狂的边缘。She swore to him that their lives were so entwined that separation was death to her.她对他发誓,说他们的生命已经如此紧密地结合在一起了,对她来说分离就等于死亡。They decided on a trial separation.他们决定尝试分居。After a brief separation, her boyfriend is back in the picture. 分手后不久她又开始和前男友约会了。She is visiting her family after a long separation.她回家探望久别的家人。Couples may agree to divorce each other after a separation.分居之后,夫妻双方可以协议离婚。He was reunited with his wife after years of separation.他在同妻子分居多年以后又团聚了。After many years the South African government finally abandoned its apartheid system of racial separation.多年之后,南非政府最终废除了种族隔离制。Their final attempt to settle their differences ended in disappointment and separation.他们最后一次企图和解的尝试结果却以失望和分手告终。




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