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词汇 键入
例句 To get information you need to key the word you require.你需要通过键入你需要的词来获取信息。Type your domain name in the search box.在搜索栏内键入你的域名。Slide your card into the machine and then tap in your number.将卡轻轻插入那台机器,然后键入号码。Key in the file name and press return.键入文档名,然后按回车键。She typed her password in.键入自己的密码。I keyed the number in, but nothing happened.键入了数字,但是什么都没发生。Type the topic into the search field, and let the browser search all relevant sites.在搜索栏内键入主题,让浏览器搜索所有相关网站。At the prompt type in the name of the directory.在提示处键入目录名。All the data then has to be keyboarded.接下来必须把所有的数据键入You can talk to other avatars with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble.你可以和其他玩家的虚拟化身交谈,你所键入的话语会出现在你虚拟化身头上的一个卡通对话框中。When you are finished with typing, remember to save your document.完成键入后,别忘了保存文档。The machine barfed when I put in the wrong password.当我键入错误的口令时,计算机发出了怪声。If you type in the title, the computer tells you how many copies the library has, and whether they're out on loan.如果你键入书名,电脑会告诉你图书馆有多少本藏书,以及是否外借出去了。He tapped another code into the computer.他往电脑里键入了另一个密码。Key in your credit card details, including the expiration date of the card.键入你信用卡的详细资料,包括有效期限。You must type uppercase and lowercase letters correctly when you set and enter passwords.在设置和输入密码时,必须键入正确的大小写字母。You will be asked to key in your house number.你将会被要求键入门牌号。In order to gain access to the network, you first have to key in your name and password.要登录网络,首先要键入用户名和密码。She lifted the phone and keyed a number.她拿起电话并键入一个号码。He keyed her number into his mobile and waited.他在自己的手机上键入她的号码,然后等着。Brian keyed in his personal code.布莱恩键入了他的个人密码。




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