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词汇 醉了
例句 How could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine?她只喝了一杯酒怎么就醉了呢? The room is going round; the wine must have gone to my head.房间仿佛在旋转,我一定是醉了He was a little drunk and kept rambling on about the good old days.他有些醉了,唠叨起以前的好日子来。He had had a drop too much of the hard stuff.他喝了太多烈酒,醉了From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk.从他的行为来看,我认为他醉了Auntie Pat is getting a little tipsy again.帕特阿姨又有点儿醉了The wine had made Barton tipsy.这酒让巴顿微微有些醉了They seemed pretty well lubricated.他们看来相当醉了Everyone got stewed at the New Year's Eve party.在除夕夜的宴会上,每一个人都醉了Here comes the smut, Martha. Dad is drunk and cursing heaven again.玛莎,脏话出来了。爸醉了,又在诅咒老天爷。All he wanted to do was to get high.他想做的就是一醉了之。She is either drunk or mad.她不是醉了就是疯了。Within an hour he was half seas over and incapable of getting home by himself.不到一个小时他就醉了,没法独自回家。He sat at the bar quietly getting soused.他在酒吧里喝闷酒,喝着喝着就醉了He was drunk and his speech was thick.醉了,说话口齿不清。I can't remember - I was pissed at the time.我记不得了——当时我醉了He was drunk and wasn't very steady on his feet. 醉了,双脚站不稳。I got a little tipsy at the party last night.昨晚在聚会上我有些醉了Sir Ralph was becoming maudlin after his third glass of claret.拉尔夫爵士喝下第三杯红葡萄酒后就醉了,言谈十分可笑。By this time I was totally slewed and could scarcely stand up!这时我已经全然醉了,几乎站不起来!Don't listen to him - he's pissed.别听他的,他醉了




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