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词汇 nowhere near
例句 He's nowhere near recovered yet from his experiences.他还远没有从自己的经历中走出来。I was nowhere near here when the robbery went down.抢劫发生的时候,我离这里还很远。The time they've given us is nowhere near enough.他们给我们的时间远远不够。Your work is nowhere near good enough.你的工作连尚好也远远谈不上。Incomes here are nowhere near the national average.这里的收入根本达不到全国的平均水平。The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk.他坐的那把椅子远不如他书桌后面那把定做的舒服。The house was nowhere near the beach.这座房子离海边很远。It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远不如戴维所料想的那么痛苦。That ball was definitely in! It was nowhere near the line!那个球绝对是界内!离边线还远着呢!The state pension is nowhere near enough.国家养老金还远远不够。That Italian restaurant is nowhere near as good since it changed hands.那家意大利餐馆自从转手后就一落千丈。Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been nowhere near the scene of the murder.贝克必须使陪审员相信,他的委托人根本不在凶案现场。The bottle was nowhere near full.这瓶子只装了一点点。Cheap, plastic-wrapped cheese is nowhere near as good as the real thing.塑料纸包装的廉价干酪远远不如正宗的货色。Introducing the changes has been a long process, and it's still nowhere near its conclusion.推行改革已经历了一个长期的过程,现在离结束为时甚远。The car was parked in the middle of the street, nowhere near the curb.这辆汽车停在路中央,离路缘很远。It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet.离我们走的时间还早呢。The nation's political crisis is nowhere near a solution.这个国家的政治危机眼下根本无法解决。The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk.他坐的那把椅子远不及他书桌后面那把定制的舒服。The house is nowhere near ready for occupancy.房屋尚待装修,迁入居住还早着呐。After eight hours climbing, we were still nowhere near the top of the mountain.我们爬了八个小时后离山顶还是远得很。They are nowhere near good enough.他们还远不够优秀。Edinburgh is nowhere near as big as Glasgow, even though it's the capital.爱丁堡虽然是首府,但远不如格拉斯哥大。The building's nowhere near finished.这大楼离竣工还远着呢。It was nowhere near as hard as I expected.这远没有我料想的那样难。As a single mother, Linda relies on state benefits which are nowhere near enough.身为一名单身母亲,琳达靠国家救济度日,根本就不够用。Their house is nowhere near as nice as yours.他们的房子远不如你的好。The photographers were nowhere near the crash when it happened.发生撞车事故时这位摄影师还离得很远。He's nowhere near as tall as his sister.他比他姐姐矮多了。As a statesman he came nowhere near his predecessor.作为一名政治家,他远远不如他的前任。That is nowhere near enough water.水远远不够用。The house is nowhere near finished.房子离完工还早呢。




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