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词汇 nowhere
例句 The dire consequences of chronic underfunding are nowhere better illustrated than in the nation's schools.长期资金匮乏所造成的严重后果,在该国的中小学表现得最清楚不过了。There's nowhere to dry clothes here.这里没地方晾衣服。A reception centre was set up to help people who arrive with nowhere to go.为了帮助那些无处安身的来客,设立了一个接待站。The dog appeared out of nowhere and began running alongside me.一条狗不知从哪里冒出来,跟在我身旁一起跑了起来。All these people seem to have appeared from nowhere.所有这些人好像是不知从什么地方冒出来似的。The train stopped in the middle of nowhere.列车在荒无人烟的地方停了下来。A shape burst from nowhere and dived into the unkempt grass below.一个模糊的影子不知从哪里冒了出来,然后钻进了下面杂乱的草丛。The hall was already full, and there was nowhere to sit.大厅已挤得满满的,没有地方可坐了。Unless you compromise, you'll get nowhere.除非你作出让步,不然是无法成功的。Suddenly, out of nowhere, she offered me the job.突然,莫名其妙,她给了我这份工作。I'm hungry, I'm cold and I've nowhere to sleep.我饥寒交迫,甚至连睡觉的地方都没有。They live miles away, in the middle of nowhere.他们住得很远,一个非常偏远的地方。So far police investigations seem to have led nowhere.到现在为止,警方的调查好像毫无结果。They really ought to call time on this dispute as it is getting them nowhere.他们真的应该结束这场毫无意义的争论。The house was way back in the sticks, on the edge of nowhere.这幢房子坐落在边远的穷乡僻壤。Arguing will get us nowhere. 争吵无助于我们解决问题。That question came out of nowhere.那个问题来得太突然了。At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere.黄昏时刻我们在远离人烟的地方扎营。Starting from nowhere, he became a leading statesman in a few years.他从一个无名之辈几年之内成了一个大政治家。There was nowhere to hang washing.没有挂湿衣服的地方。They lived out in the country, miles from nowhere.他们住在乡下,离任何有人的地方还有好几英里。A gray sedan appeared from nowhere in the fast lane.快车道上不知从哪里冒出了一辆灰色的大轿车来。The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.该提议在参议院毫无结果。He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes.他这个谁都没有看上眼的选手一下子冒了出来,竟然击败了赛场上所有的顶尖运动员。They live miles from nowhere, in the middle of the countryside.他们住在远离人烟的乡下。A police officer appeared as if from nowhere and ordered us to halt.一个警察不知从哪儿冒了出来,命令我们停下。The chair he sat in was nowhere near as comfortable as the custom-designed one behind his desk.他坐的那把椅子远不如他书桌后面那把定做的舒服。It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远不如戴维所料想的那么痛苦。We got lost in the middle of nowhere. 我们迷失在荒无人烟的地区。There we were, stranded in the middle of nowhere with no money between the pair of us.当时,我们两个身无分文,一筹莫展。The necklace was nowhere to be seen.这条项链四下找不见了。Introducing the changes has been a long process, and it's still nowhere near its conclusion.推行改革已经历了一个长期的过程,现在离结束为时甚远。Your estimate is nowhere in the right ballpark.你的估计完全离谱了。There's nowhere quite like Barcelona.没有哪个地方与巴塞罗那特别相像。The car was parked in the middle of the street, nowhere near the curb.这辆汽车停在路中央,离路缘很远。Your work is nowhere near good enough.你的工作连尚好也远远谈不上。The airplanes seemed to appear out of nowhere.这些飞机不知从何处突然飞来。I have nowhere else to go.我没别的地方可去。All his months of hard work had led nowhere.他几个月以来的辛苦工作都是徒劳。She'd looked everywhere for her glasses, but they were nowhere to be found.她到处找眼镜,哪里也找不到。




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