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Now my house is secure against burglary.现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。Now, children, run along. I'm busy.好了,孩子们,你们走开吧,我正忙着呢。Now that trend is reversing.现在这一趋势正在扭转。Now I'm going to press down on several places around your knee, and you tell me when it feels tender.现在我要按压你膝部周围的几处地方,哪里痛就告诉我。A child divorcing his parents? Now I've seen it all!一个小孩让父母离婚?真是不可思议!Now at forty and with three children, she still, sometimes, recalls her calf love at the age of 14.如今她四十岁了,有三个孩子,但她仍然时常想起自己十四岁时的初恋。Now he is well enough to take solids.现在他病好了,可以吃非流质食物了。Now now, don't get upset. Everything will be all right.好了,好了,别担心。一切都会没事的。Now get out there and do your stuff.那就滚到一边去,做你要做的事吧。Now you have an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of each other.现在你们有一个好机会,可以大大增进对彼此的了解。Now we can clock up another victory for our team.这一下我们能为我队取得又一次胜利了。Now we are simply adhering to the established principles, policies and political line.我们只是坚持既定的方针、政策,坚持原来的路线。Now my role is strictly advisory.现在我的角色仅限于顾问。Now he had his chance to shine and he wasn't going to miss out.现在他有机会出人头地,他不会错失良机的。Now her blood was up and she was not going to give in so easily.现在她生气了,就不会那么轻易让步了。Now Mary was almost hysterical.现在玛丽差不多歇斯底里了。Now the murderer has two deaths on his conscience.杀人犯现在因杀害两条人命而受到良心的谴责。I've done my best. Now it's over to the professionals.我已经尽了最大的努力,现在轮到专业人员了。Now that the kids are in school, I'm ready to rejoin the workforce.既然孩子们都到了学校,那我也就准备回去上班了。Now have we left any country out?咱们落了什么国家没有?Now that's a great deal!现在的价格很划算!Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible.现在到了我们都必须尽可能节衣缩食的时候了。Now that you're here, why don't you stop for some tea?既然你已经来了,为什么不留下来喝杯茶呢?Now she's got the grumps and nothing seems to please.她正在闹脾气,好像什么都哄不住她。Now all we have to do is help ourselves and to pray to God.我们现在所要做的就是自助并向上帝祈祷。Now for a quick look at some of the other stories in the news.下面我们快速浏览一下其他新闻报道。Now, with the sudden invasion of the nasal voice, the class was instantly silent.这时,随着那个带鼻音的声音突然响起,教室立即肃静下来。Now that the tide was out, we could walk across the sands.现在退潮了,我们可以走过沙滩。Now go away and let me get on with my work in peace.现在出去,让我安安静静地继续工作。Now look yonder, just beyond the wooden post there.看那边,就在木头柱子的旁边。Nuts! Now we're going to be late for the movie.坏了! 我们看电影要迟到了。Now that Fantina is old, she has been cast aside like some useless object.范蒂娜如今老了,像废物一样被丢在一边。Now they are producing throwaway razors.他们正在生产一次性剃须刀。Now I can enjoy the simple pleasures of life, like spending time with my family.现在我可以享受生活中一些普通的乐趣,比如与家人在一起。Now I've left school I can dress how I want.我现在已经离开学校了,可以爱怎么打扮就怎么打扮。Now Fleetfoot began to run and soon he far outdistanced the girls.弗利特富特开始奔跑,很快把女孩们远远地甩在了后面。Now everything stands by for the discussion of Home Rule.为了讨论地方自治问题现在所有的事情都搁在一边了。Now then, what's all this noise about?喂,这样大惊小怪的是为什么呢?Now and again he was asked out to dinner.他不时应邀外出赴宴。Now he has his home in Manchester.他现在定居在曼彻斯特。 |