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词汇 currently
例句 He's currently in training for an important race.他目前正处于重大赛事的训练阶段。The Tories are currently drawing up their election manifesto.保守党目前正在起草他们的选举宣言。The community currently receives service from a rural mobile library.现在该社区得到一家乡村流动图书馆提供的服务。The group's currently untitled debut album has just been finished.这个流行乐团目前尚未命名的首张唱片刚刚完成。He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.他目前正在滨海韦斯顿主演圣诞童话剧。My boyfriend is currently undergoing hypnotherapy.我男朋友目前正接受催眠疗法。West Ham United are currently languishing at the bottom of the league.西汉姆联队目前在联赛排名垫底。He currently terrorises politicians and their ilk on 'Newsnight'.他目前在《新闻之夜》节目中的讲话搞得政客们惶恐不安。The hotel is currently under construction.这家旅馆目前正在建造之中。Hakeem is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and fasts between sunrise and sunset.哈基姆现在正遵守穆斯林的神圣斋月,日出和日落之间要禁食。Colombia and Venezuela are currently negotiating a trade agreement.哥伦比亚与委内瑞拉目前正在协商一项贸易协定。She is currently one of the most popular actresses in Shanghai.她是目前上海最受欢迎的女演员之一。It is currently illegal to export this encryption technology from the US.从美国出口这种加密技术在当前是违法的。It's her feeling that the recent outbreaks of violence are a symptom of the dissatisfaction that is currently affecting our society.她觉得最近爆发的暴力事件表明目前不满情绪正在影响我们的社会。She is currently closeted at home working on her new book.她目前闭门不出,在家写一本新书。She is currently touring with her new band.目前她与她的新乐队正在巡回演出。The airline currently flies this route twice a day.该航空公司现在每天两次飞这条线路。The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place.美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。The ship is currently aground off the Brittany coast.目前,这条船搁浅在布列塔尼沿海水域。Its styling isn't derivative of any other car currently on the market.这一款式并未借鉴目前市场上其他车型的设计。The developer is currently seeking funding for the project.开发商目前正在为这个项目寻求资金支持。She's currently adapting a stage play for the big screen.她目前正把一个舞台剧本改编成电影。A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.目前可用风能中只有一小部分得到了利用。The state currently has a $3 million budget surplus. 这个州目前预算结余三百万美元。This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exists.这也许会火上浇油,破坏当前脆弱不稳的休战局面。He is currently at work on a novel.他这会儿正忙着写一篇小说。A new stocktaking system is currently under trial in the store.一种新的清点存货系统目前正在这家商店试用。The product is not currently available.这种产品眼下缺货。Portfolio managers are currently overweight in bonds.投资组合经理目前在债券方面的投资权重过高。Airbags are currently designed to protect average-sized adult males.安全气袋目前是为保护普通身材的成年男子而设计的。The painting is currently on view at the Tate.那幅画目前在泰特美术馆展出。This is currently the case with most computers.这是现在大多数电脑的情况。Three ski lifts are currently in operation.目前有三辆滑雪缆车在运行。The city's economic growth is exemplified by the many new buildings that are currently under construction.目前许多新的在建的高楼大厦展现了这座城市的经济发展。No one knows how many people currently surf the Net.没人知道现在有多少人在网上冲浪。If you couldn't attend either of the concerts and are currently gnashing your teeth at having missed out, don't despair.如果这两场音乐会你都未能参加并且正在为错失机会而懊恼的话,别灰心。Mr Ridley is currently on an official visit to Hungary.里得雷先生目前正在匈牙利进行正式访问。A more powerful version of this electric bus is currently in development.这种电动公共汽车的一种功能更强大的车型正在开发中。The economy is currently strong in southeast England, plus we have low interest rates.目前英格兰东南部经济增长强劲,而且利率也很低。The committee are currently getting estimates for repairs to the stonework.委员会目前正在为石制部分的修复估价。




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