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词汇 被打碎
例句 The glass had shattered, but the photograph itself was undamaged.玻璃被打碎了,但照片没被损坏。He is very kind about the broken window.他对窗玻璃被打碎一事宽大为怀。When her grandchildren visit, she puts away anything she doesn't want to get broken.孙子孙女来玩时,她把那些不舍得被打碎的东西都收了起来。A few of the cups got broken while we were moving house.我们搬家时有几只杯子被打碎了。His jaw was broken while he tried to wrestle with a drunken bus driver.他和一个喝醉酒的公共汽车司机扭打纠缠时,下巴骨被打碎了。Most of the monuments had been broken or defaced.大多数纪念碑都被打碎或者遭污损。The whole stack fell over, and half the plates got broken.整叠盘子都倒在地上,有一半被打碎了。Windows were broken and large trees uprooted.被打碎,大树被连根拔起。Many headstones of the graves were smashed or defaced.许多墓碑被打碎或者遭到损坏。Everything breakable had been broken and scattered chaotically about the room.房间里一切能打碎的东西都被打碎了,一片狼藉。




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