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词汇 般地
例句 She works obsessively, often for weeks at a time.她着魔般地工作,常常一连几个星期不停歇。In southern California new Internet companies were springing up every day.在加利福尼亚南部新的互联网公司每天都如雨后春笋般地涌现。Our research grant had nearly run out, until the cavalry arrived in the shape of the Rowntree Foundation.我们的研究基金就要用完时,朗特里基金就像救兵般地来临了。The student recited the speech parrot-fashion and could not answer any questions about it.那名学生鹦鹉学舌般地背诵演讲稿,回答不了有关演讲内容的任何问题。That family breeds like rabbits.那家子像兔子繁殖般地生儿育女。He stood as if rooted to the ground.他像钉在地上般地站着。The birds darken the dying sun in a whirlwind.鸟群像旋风般地把西沉的太阳遮得暗淡无光。He polished off the whole pie.他风卷残云般地吃掉了一整块馅饼。He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records.他近乎发疯般地追求打破体育纪录。The process was fastidiously checked.该过程被近乎挑剔般地核对过了。Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain.血像泉水般地从他的背部阵阵涌出。He was last seen striding maniacally to the hotel reception.最后一次看见他的时候,他正发疯般地大跨步走向饭店的前台。New factories have sprouted up everywhere.新工厂如雨后春笋般地四处涌现。Some of the students were just parroting what the teacher said.一些学生只是鹦鹉学舌般地重复老师说过的话。I glanced round frantically, and my gaze locked on to one of the labelled shelves, and seemed to zero in.我发疯般地四处扫视,接着目光锁定到了其中一个有标签的架子上,似乎找准了目标。They waited on pins and needles for the football scores.他们如坐针毡般地等待足球比数。I mentioned his name, and he appeared as if by magic.我提到他的名字,他就魔术般地出现了。The ambulance whisked him off to a hospital.救护车风驰电掣般地把他送往医院。Many students simply regurgitate what they hear in lectures.很多学生只会鹦鹉学舌般地重复从课堂上听来的东西。He squared his shoulders dramatically.他演戏般地挺了挺胸。She pushed him away playfully.她开玩笑般地将他推开。New housing developments mushroomed on the edge of town.城郊雨后春笋般地出现了新的住宅区。We recited poems parrot fashion.我们鹦鹉学舌般地背诵诗歌。She just stood there like a dummy.她就像个傻子般地站在那里。The children bombarded us with questions.孩子们向我们连珠炮般地提问。




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