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词汇 这人
例句 Stan was intellectual, confident and above all, his own man.斯坦这人聪明自信,最主要的是很有主见。Don't invite her. She's such a misery!别邀请她,她这人牢骚太多!My mother just felt I was a drain.母亲硬是认为我这人是个负担。Does she have any principles at all?这人到底有没有道德原则?He didn't say that, did he? What a creep!他不会真那样说吧?这人真讨厌!He was a very unpleasant person-he would always use his friend Peter as the fall guy if things went wrong.这人很可恶,出了岔子总是拿他的朋友彼得当替罪羊。The man immediately booked what they were.这人即刻认识到他们是干哪一行的。He is not someone to be trifled with.对他这人可不能轻慢小看。I had to sit next to Michael at dinner - he's such a bore.晚饭时我不得不坐在迈克尔旁边——他这人真讨厌。The man looked like a clerical.这人看起来像个牧师。This man is an animal, a beast.这人是个畜生,是个野兽。The man could unerringly select the parts that were necessary to his task.这人能准确无误地挑选出完成他的任务所需要的部分。He was self-centred but I knew how to deflate him.这人只顾自己,但我知道怎么对付他。She's no scholar.这人没有文化。I never trust anything he says - the man's an inveterate liar.我从不相信他说的任何话——这人是个老骗子。If you're playing against Gary, I warn you, he hates losing!如果你要和加里比赛,那我提醒你,他这人输不起!The man wanted to buy our house and made us an attractive proposition.这人想买我们的房子并愿出好价钱。He is, shall we say, slightly unusual.这人,怎么说呢,有点怪怪的。He is known for frequently having sad bags.大家知道他这人常常郁郁寡欢。She's very traditional (in her ideas and opinions).这人(在思想观念上)非常传统。The man had genius and had made his mark in the aviation world.这人很有天赋,在航空界非常出名。You're a menace to my privacy, Kenworthy.肯沃西,你这人真讨厌,居然侵犯我的隐私。I have always found him difficult.我总感到他这人很难相处。There is a mature wisdom about him.这人颇有大智。He is given to a lot of big talk. I don't believe a word of it.这人老是大话连篇,他讲的我连一个字也不相信。The man's coming to lay the hall carpet tomorrow.这人明天来给礼堂铺地毯。There was something odd about him.这人有些奇怪。I'm not one to criticize other people, as you know.你知道,我这人从来不批评人。You're always anticipating trouble.这人总是事情还没发生便往坏处想。He's a very skilled football player but he's as thick as two short planks.他是个技术很好的足球运动员,但是他这人是笨到了极点。The man was planted on us by the opposition.这人是反对派安插到我们中间来的。I don't really want to spend the evening with Helen - she's so weird.晚上我不是很想和海伦待在一起—她这人很古怪。She had no will of her own.这人没有主见。If she is stupid, she's at any rate pleasant to look at.如果说她脑袋不灵,她这人至少容貌不错。The man had a phobia about flying.这人害怕坐飞机。That's awfully nice of you.这人真是太好了。She's callous and snobbish and it's time she got her comeuppance.这人又冷漠又势利眼,这下子可得了报应了。The man must be bonkers to take such a risk.这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。There was not a jot of humour in the man.这人没有一点幽默感。I won't help her again in a hurry, when she's been so ungrateful.这人不知感恩,我不愿再帮她忙了。




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