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例句 The young singer was taken under the wing of a record shop owner who became his manager.这位年轻歌手得到了一家唱片店老板的资助,后来这老板就成了他的经纪人。This young Welshman first dazzled the fashion world with cobweb-like creations.这位年轻的威尔士男子以蛛网般的创意服装设计第一次使时尚界为之倾倒。The old lady is a bit of an eccentric.这位老太是个有点古怪的人。The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale.这位世界排名第九的选手必须有更出色的表现才能击退戴尔强有力的挑战。The tutor discussed her own religious beliefs openly with the students.这位导师开诚布公地与学生讨论了她自己的宗教信仰。We welcome the general thrust of the Senator's argument.我们接受这位参议员的主要论点。The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。The player has yet to receive official confirmation of his four-week ban.这位选手尚未收到禁赛四周的正式确认函。After his first performance all the newspapers chanted the praise of this new actor.首场演出之后,各报对这位新演员都大加赞扬。Others tried to refute his strictures on the artist's character.其他人试图反驳他对这位艺术家性格的批判。The actress acts very well.这位女演员的表演非常出色。All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.这位芭蕾舞女演员的所有动作都很优美。The ageing president is preparing to transfer power to his son.这位年迈的主席准备把权力移交给他的儿子。The instructor squeezed a lot of information into one week.这位讲师把很多信息都集中在一个星期里讲完。The dentist had pulled the wrong tooth.这位牙医拔错了牙。We have confidence in the mayor.我们信任这位市长。The novelist's most recent book is really perfection.这位小说家的最新作品真是部完美精品。The singer duly appeared back on stage for an encore.这位歌手应观众要求及时返场。He included a thumbnail sketch of the poet.他收录了这位诗人的简介。The critics held him in high esteem as an actor.评论家都对他这位演员十分敬重。Good evening, Ray. Let me introduce David Bruce.晚上好,雷姆。我来介绍一下,这位是戴维·布鲁斯。The star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.这位歌星到达了伦敦,随行的还有她惯用的伴舞和伴唱人员。That comedian really killed me.这位喜剧演员真是使我绝倒。The poor old soul had fallen and broken her hip.这位可怜的老太太跌了一跤,摔断了髋骨。The MP worked hard, always talking to his constituents and listening to their problems.这位参议员工作努力,总是跟本区选民交谈,听取他们的难处。The publication of the senator's book was tied in to his announcement that he will run for president.这位参议员宣布参加总统竞选之后,他的著作也配合着出版了。The artist will circumscribe the painting with just one red line.这位艺术家将会画一条简单的红线,把这幅画框起来。This biography delves deep into the artist's private life.这部传记深入探究这位艺术家的私人生活。The audience laughed the singer off the stage.观众用笑声把这位歌手轰下了台。The farmer's daughters were a fine pair of strapping young girls.这位农民的一对女儿都是身材高大、体健貌美的年轻姑娘。The new coach is an inheritor of a great team legacy.这位新教练是球队优良传统的传承者。The general was retired with honors.这位将军光荣退役。The general was itching for a fight.这位将军急于打一仗。The Queen ruled her people wisely for more than 60 years.这位女王英明地统治了自己的臣民六十多年。My friend here writes for radio.这位朋友为电台写报道。The teacher was known for his long-winded explanations.这位教师以讲解啰唆枯燥而出名。The general's white horse drew the enemy's fire.这位将军的白马成为敌人的靶子。She has declared her support for the candidate.她公开宣称支持这位候选人。For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense.有一段时间这位表演艺术家完全迷失了方向。他没有了其出了名的风趣幽默,取而代之的是伤春悲秋的无聊情感。Some of the director's best works were created during his neo-realist period.这位导演的最佳作品中有些是在他的新现实主义时期创作的。




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