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词汇 这事
例句 He told the story to a reporter from a local newspaper.他把这事件向当地一家报纸的记者说了。Have you taken this up with your mother yet?你和你母亲谈这事了吗?I'd complain to the manager but it's not worth the aggravation.我本想向经理投诉,可为这事儿找麻烦不值得。God knows, it hasn't been easy.老天爷为证,这事不容易啊。Wait till the girls back home hear about this!等着女伴们回家来听听这事吧!She did it from pure malice.她做这事纯粹是恶意。Someone else in addition to him will have to do it.除他之外,还得有其他人去做这事It was settled by lot.这事是以抽签决定的。I knew that this was going to happen.我早知道这事会发生。Don't get so steamed-up about it – it's not really important.别为这事那么生气,其实这无关紧要。You keep talking about making a cross-country trip. I think you just need to do it and get it out of your system.你一直说要来一次横贯全国之旅。我认为,你只要去做就好了,之后就不会老惦记着这事了。The matter concerns him nearly.这事和他有切身关系。It was mildly amusing.这事有点好笑。He'll forget about it in time.他迟早会忘掉这事的。He promised to see about the matter.他保证会处理这事She did it without compromise of her reputation.她做这事而无损她的名誉。She loved the fact that he'd sent her flowers, but she didn't want to make too much of it in case it meant nothing.她非常喜欢他送了花给她,但她并不想对这事想得太多,万一人家并没有什么意思呢。Does it worry you that the Americans are discussing this?美国人在讨论这事,你不担心吗?He can't do it; nor can I, nor can you, nor can anybody.这事他做不来,我也做不来,你也做不来,谁都做不来。He brushed the story off quickly at a press conference.他在一次记者招待会上三言两语把这事应付过去。How long ago did this happen?这事情多久之前发生的?There certainly wasn't any point in doing it now.现在做这事的确毫无意义。It was a matter of life and death for them.这事对他们来说是生死攸关。I didn't have time to tell you, and anyway, I didn't want to make a big thing out of it.我当时没有时间对你讲,再说了,我也不想把这事闹大。I feel called upon to do it; this may be my main chance.我感到非做这事不可,这可能是我的大好机会。I meant to invite him, but it completely slipped my mind.我本打算邀请他,但把这事忘得干干净净。If my wife ever finds out about this, she'll go berserk.我妻子要是知道这事,会气疯的。Please do the work at your own convenience.请随你的意思把这事做一做。They did it out of sheer realism.他们做这事是出于纯粹的实用主义。I don't want this to destroy our friendship.我不想因为这事而破坏了我们的友谊。I thought it was a waste of time moaning about it.我觉得为这事发牢骚是浪费时间。We must make a push to get the job done.我们必须加把劲把这事完成。As far as I am concerned, the matter is closed.对我来说,这事已经了结了。You will have heard about it by now.现在这事你大概已经听说了吧。The fact that you didn't get an invitation is surely just an oversight.你没收到邀请这事儿肯定只是个疏忽。If it were up to me, I'd say yes, but I'll have to check with tptb.如果这事我说了算,我会同意的。不过我得征求领导的意见。She knew she had her work cut out for her, but she was willing to do whatever it took to succeed.她知道这事困难很大,但她愿尽一切努力做到。With what end soever he did it.不管目的如何,这事他确是干了。The whole neighborhood heard about it.四邻街坊都听说了这事It was hard, but we coped.这事很难,但是我们应付过来了。




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