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词汇 这双
例句 I've already worn the heels down on these shoes.我已经把这双鞋的鞋跟磨平了。The shoes don't fit.这双鞋不合脚。These shoes are the wrong size.这双鞋尺码不合适。These shoes don't go with the dress.这双鞋子与这身服装不相称。These gloves are lovely and warm.这双手套很漂亮,又很保暖。The shoes rubbed my heels raw.这双鞋磨得我脚后跟疼。I need some new shoes. These are falling apart.我要买双新鞋,这双都快穿破了。The shoes hurt her feet beyond endurance.这双鞋太磨脚,她实在忍受不了。The shoes were too snug.这双鞋太挤脚了。You just spent all that money on a pair of shoes? Have you completely lost your mind?你把钱都花在这双鞋子上了?你一点儿理智都没有了吗?The shoes are brand new and the leather is still very stiff.这双鞋是全新的,皮还很硬。These boots provide warmth and comfort in the coldest temperatures.在最冷的天气里,穿上这双靴子既暖和又舒适。These shoes are really uncomfortable.这双鞋子穿在脚上实在难受。These new shoes are murder on my feet.这双新鞋把我的脚害惨了。These shoes are a bit too snug - do you have them in a larger size?这双鞋有点儿太紧——你们有没有大一号的?These shoes are crippling me.这双鞋子穿得我脚疼。These socks are full of holes.这双袜子满是破洞。These shoes have been styled for maximum comfort.这双鞋是精心设计的,力求达到最舒适的效果。I got a lot of wear out of these boots.这双靴子我已经穿了很久了。The shoes have little nubs on the bottom that prevent you from slipping.这双鞋的鞋底有些凸起的小块以防滑倒。These new shoes are pinching my toes.这双新鞋挤我的脚。These old shoes are so comfy. I don't want to get rid of them.这双旧鞋穿着很舒服,我不想扔掉。I got these shoes at a fraction of the original price.我以原价的一个零头买到了这双鞋子。The shoes, though elegant, pinched her feet terribly.这双鞋很精致,但很夹脚。I bought these shoes for their practicality, not their appearance.我买这双鞋是因其实用而并非其样式。I got these shoes in the Bloomingdale's sale.这双鞋是我在布鲁明戴尔百货店大减价时买的。These sneakers smell. 这双运动鞋有股臭味。The shoes looked so tatty that I consigned them to the back of the cupboard.这双鞋这么破烂,我把它放到柜子的最里面去了。If you like the shoes, why don't you try them on?要是喜欢这双鞋,何不试一下呢?The boots may be nice, but they're worthless if they don't fit you.这双靴子可能不错,但如果不合脚,就没用。These shoes fit perfectly.这双鞋完全合脚。This pair of boots is letting in badly.这双靴子漏得厉害。These shoes are pinching me.这双鞋夹脚。Try this shoe on for size. 试试这双鞋看尺码是否合适。These boots have stood up to a lot of abuse.这双靴子非常耐穿。These shoes are starting to let water in.这双鞋子开始进水了。The shoes rate high as far as comfort goes, but they're not very stylish.就其舒适度而言,这双鞋可谓很好,但款式不够漂亮。I absolutely love your shoes!我太爱你这双鞋了!These shoes provide surer footing and greater confidence.这双鞋穿着更稳当,让人看起来更自信。You're not making me this offer because of my great big baby blues.你可不是因为我这双又大又亮的眼睛而向我提供这个的吧!




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