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She officially entered the race for mayor.她正式参加了市长竞选。The election ended in a dead heat.竞选结果不分胜负。With the election coming up, both candidates are spending all their time on the campaign trail.随着选举的临近,两位候选人把他们所有的时间都投入到竞选游说中来。It was the closest election in recent history.这是近代史上最激烈的一场竞选。I would hazard a guess that they'll do fairly well in the next election.我斗胆猜测,他们在下一轮竞选中会有不错的表现。Olsen described herself as a campaign manager for the organization.奥尔森称她自己是该组织的竞选经理。She's running for class president.她在竞选年级学生会主席。The three elected members of the committee are the chair, secretary, and treasurer.委员会内有三个通过竞选得到的职位:主席、秘书和财务主管。He ran for office.他参加了公职的竞选。He is standing for Oxford East in the election.他在选举中竞选东牛津候选人。The Democratic candidate for governor won the debate.竞选州长的民主党候选人赢得了那场辩论。Public funding could resolve the controversy surrounding campaign finance.公共基金能够解决围绕竞选资金引发的争议。The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise.州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。The outcome of the election turns on how well the candidates perform in the next debate.竞选的结果取决于候选人在下一轮辩论中的表现。There's been too much sloganeering in this year's mayoral race.今年的市长竞选中口号泛滥。It was clear that the senator was trying to be all things to all people in her campaign.很显然,那位女参议员在竞选中想取悦所有选民。He left public service after voters booted him from the mayor's office. 市长连任竞选失利以后,他退出了公共服务领域。Many people have questioned her motivations in choosing to run for office at this time.很多人质疑她此时选择竞选的动机。Britain will support him as a candidate for the presidency of the organisation.英国会支持他竞选这个组织的主席职位。As he girds his loins for the party's leadership election, Mr Kennedy refutes the allegation that he is lazy.肯尼迪先生驳斥了称他懒惰的指控,摩拳擦掌为竞选党派领导做准备。They have shaped a careful strategy for winning the election.为赢得竞选,他们策划出了一个周密的策略。The government bungled badly in planning the campaign.政府筹备竞选的工作搞得一团糟。Edward Brooke, the first popularly elected black senator, was honoured by the President today.今天,总统给第一位竞选获胜成为参议员的黑人爱德华·布鲁克授予荣誉。Pandemonium reigned in the hall as the unbelievable election results were read out.令人难以置信的竞选结果一宣布,大厅里便乱成一片。Anderson suffered a humiliating defeat in the last election.上次竞选中,安德森败得很不体面。He is standing in the deputy leadership election.他正在参加副职领导的竞选。Republicans targeted Unsoeld as vulnerable in her bid for reelection this year.共和党人将安索尔德定为攻击目标,认为她在争取今年连任的竞选中不堪一击。Many candidates were pinched for campaign funds.许多候选者被剥夺了竞选资金。He is standing for a seat in Parliament.他在竞选议会议员。Campaign workers have been knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood. 竞选工作人员在整个街区挨家挨户跟居民交流。He ran for governor on the Republican ticket.他作为共和党的候选人竞选州长。Florida was a key state in his campaign for re-election.佛罗里达是他再次竞选宣传活动中关键的一个州。Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.卡珀顿州长筹得的竞选资金数额最大。He hasn't decided whether to campaign for the senate.他尚未决定是否参加参议员的竞选。The senator is usually at his best on the hustings.那位参议员在为竞选拉票的时候状态通常是最好的。Someone was laundering secret campaign money in Mexico.有人在墨西哥把秘密竞选资金洗干净。Both candidates are expected to make a good/strong showing in next week's election.两位候选人预计都会在下周的竞选中表现良好/强劲。To win the presidency he had first to outwit his rivals within the Socialist Party.要想赢得总统之位,他必须首先智取其在社会党内的竞选对手。He is running for mayor of Bogotá.他在竞选波哥大市市长。She decided to stand as a candidate in the local elections.她决定作为候选人参加地方竞选。 |