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词汇 air
例句 Mardas threw his hands in the air - a sign to his supporters that victory was theirs.马达斯挥舞双手,向支持者表示胜利属于他们。Water conducts heat faster than air.水比空气导热快。He detested air travel.他厌恶乘飞机旅行。This tire is flat; you didn't pump enough air in.这个轮胎没气了;你并没打足气。US naval and air superiority was paralleled by Soviet superiority in land-based missile systems.苏联在陆基导弹系统方面的优势与美国在海军和空军方面的优势不相上下。The ducts draw out stale air.这些管道将污浊的空气抽出来。She has an air of supreme confidence about her.她一副自信满满的神情。It just happened, out of thin air.这事就这么突然发生了。Her hands scythed through the air.她的双手在空中挥舞。The smell of the sea air makes you glad to be alive!呼吸一下海边的空气会使你感到活着是件非常快活的事!The government is now bringing in laws to reduce air pollution. But, is it a case of too little, too late?政府如今正引入法律以减少空气污染。但这是否为时已晚了呢?Their military capability has been reduced because their air force has proved not to be effective.他们的军事实力因为空军的无能而被削弱。We were breathing really fast, and using the air up quickly.当时我们呼吸非常急促,很快就要把空气用完了。The sickening stench of rotting rubbish rose into the air.垃圾的腐臭味泛入空气中,令人作呕。You can knit bones and flesh easily enough, but not even the gods can manufacture blood out of thin air.你可以很容易地将骨头和皮肉缝合起来,但即使是神仙也难以凭空制造出血液来。Opening the window screws up the air conditioning.打开窗户空调就失去作用了。The newsreels show him leaping into the air.新闻短片里有他跳向空中的画面。The crane's huge metal arm lifted the load into the air.起重机巨大的金属臂把货物提到空中。We need some fresh air in this stuffy room!在这个憋闷的房间里我们需要一些新鲜空气!The feather floated through the air.羽毛在空中飞舞。The dog stretched and sniffed the air.这只狗伸了伸腿,嗅了嗅气味。Smoke plumed skyward after a night of heavy air raids.一夜猛烈空袭之后,烟尘升向空中,呈羽毛状散开。The hideout is clearly visible from the air.那个藏身地从空中清晰可见。Once the plane is up in the air, I'll let you try using the controls.飞机一旦升上高空,我就会让你试用控制装置的。We can no longer have confidence in the quality of the air we breathe.我们无法再对我们呼吸的空气质量抱有信心。Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air.突然间,他停下来闻了闻空气中的味道。It is important for the state's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital.对国家日后的统治者来说,摆脱首都过于清高的氛围是很重要的。She'd baked some bread which made the air smell sweet.她刚烤制了一些面包,空气里都弥漫着一股香味。The company had a meeting so that employees could air their complaints/grievances.公司开了一个会,让员工就此机会公开表达他们的不满。The engine breathes through this air filter.引擎通过这台空气过滤器通气。I broke down and bawled my eyes out on air.直播时我控制不住自己,放声大哭起来。Flowers started to perfume the air.花儿的香气开始弥漫在空气中。We watched the magician levitate his female assistant in the air with awe.我们非常惊骇地看著魔术师把他的女助理漂浮在空中。She had an affected air and a disdainful look.她举止做作,神情倨傲。A sharp cry pierced the air.一声尖叫刺破长空。You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning.你不能打开窗户,那样空调就不起作用了。During cold nights, air condenses on the grass to form dew.在寒冷的夜晚,空气在草地上凝结成露水。You'd better send the letter by air.这封信你最好寄航空。The factory poisoned the air with its fumes.那家工厂排放的有毒烟尘污染了空气。Hey, look out the window! See the hot-air balloon?嗨,朝窗外看!看到热气球了吗?




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