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词汇 bloom
例句 The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花正盛开著。He picked a red bloom for her hair.他摘了一朵红花戴在她头上。The festival was coming into bloom.节日庆祝活动正进入高潮。These bulbs bloom in late spring.这些球茎在晚春开花。The roses are in bloom.玫瑰花正盛开著。Harry carefully picked the bloom.哈里小心翼翼地摘下那朵花。She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.她双颊健康红润。The flowers on the trees are beginning to bloom.树上的花儿开始绽放了。Some women seem to bloom during pregnancy.有些女人在怀孕期间似乎变得容光焕发。These flowers will bloom all through the summer.这些花整个夏天都会绽放。The rosy bloom of her cheeks had faded.她双颊那红润的光泽已经消失了。The spring flowers have come into bloom.春天的花朵已经开放。The bushes should be in bloom soon.这些灌木很快就要开花了。As he walked along, the new boots took on a bloom of dust.他向前走去,新靴子沾上了一层灰尘。The plant is difficult to coax into bloom.这种植物很难养得开花。The skin loses its youthful bloom.皮肤失去了年轻时的光泽。These plants should bloom until the first frost of the season.这些植物的花期应该会持续到这个季节的首次霜冻。When I knew her she was in the bloom of youth.我认识她时,正是她青春焕发的时候。Their love was just beginning to bloom.他们的爱情之花才刚刚开始绽放。She had lost a good deal of her bloom and bounce.她大量的青春年华已逝去。He crushed the bloom with regardless tread.他毫不在意一脚践踏了鲜花。These plants are very fragrant when they are in full bloom.这些植物在花朵盛开时花香浓郁。The roses are now in full bloom.玫瑰花现在正在盛开。The roses are just coming into bloom.玫瑰花刚刚开始绽放。Over night, the cherry tree had come into bloom.樱花一夜间绽放。The garden was a picture with all the roses in bloom.花园里所有的玫瑰花都开了,看起来真美。Cherry trees bloom in early spring.樱树于早春开花。




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