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词汇 牵强
例句 The story is filled with plot contrivances that do not fit the ending.这个故事到处是与结局不相吻合的牵强情节。She's always got some lame excuse for being late.她总是为自己迟到找些牵强的借口。It is stretching a point to call this censorship.把这称为审查有点儿牵强There's something very contrived about the whole story.整则故事令人觉得很牵强You read too much into the text.你对文本的解读过于牵强I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit contrived.我喜欢这部电影,但是觉得结尾有点牵强The sub-plots are only tenuously interconnected.次要情节之间的联系有点牵强I thought the plot line of that play was very unconvincing.我认为那个剧本的情节十分牵强The ending of the story was too pat.故事的结尾巧得令人感到牵强He gave a weak excuse for being late.他为自己迟到找了个很牵强的借口。The back story of why she hates her father is a bit too contrived.她何以憎恨自己的父亲,这个背景故事编得太牵强He mumbled some lame excuse about having fallen asleep.他含糊地说了个牵强的理由来解释为何睡着。It was painful to listen to his pathetic excuses.听他那些牵强的借口实在让人觉得难受。His explanation stretches credulity. 他的解释很牵强The movie's contrived ending was a big disappointment.这部电影牵强的结局令人大失所望。Charlie gave her a thin smile.查利向她牵强一笑。That excuse is pretty thin.那个借口很牵强A ridiculous series of plot contrivances moves the film along.一个个可笑而又牵强的情节带动着这部影片演下去。It sounds a lame excuse, but I never seem to have time to visit.这个借口听起来好像很牵强,但看起来我压根就没有时间去。His short stories tend to be weak on plot.他的短篇小说往往情节牵强The storyline was too far-fetched, and none of the actors were particularly good.故事情节太牵强,而且没有一个演员演得特别好。Some people think it's a stretch to call fishing a sport.有些人认为把钓鱼称作一项运动有些牵强The movie features a far-fetched plot to kidnap the President.那部影片有一个绑架总统的牵强情节。His lawyers argue that the charges are based on a far-fetched conspiracy theory.他的律师申辩说那些指控是基于一种牵强的阴谋论。A weak conclusion spoiled an otherwise good piece of work.牵强的结尾毁掉了一篇本来不错的作品。I'm beginning to lose patience with you and your feeble excuses.我开始对你和你那些牵强的借口失去耐性了。The story's plot is pretty thin.这个故事的情节挺牵强




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