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词汇 city centre
例句 The hotel is in a prime location in the city centre.该旅馆位于市中心的黄金地段。The bar is in the city centre.这家酒吧在市中心。Tourist coaches will be banned from entering the city centre.旅游车将禁止进入市中心。Peripheral auto routes drain traffic from the city centre.外环高速公路把市中心的交通流量引开。The city centre has scarcely changed in over a century.一百多年来市中心几乎没有变化。The city centre and shops are only a short distance away.市中心和商店离得很近。The immediate flashpoint was Wednesday's big rally in the city centre.冲突的直接起因是周三在市中心的大型集会。His development policies have extracted cash from the city centre.他的发展政策已经从市中心榨取了收益。Troops opened fire on a group of unarmed demonstrators in the city centre.军队在市中心向手无寸铁的游行示威人群开了枪。Most of the development is outside the city centre.大多数的新建住宅区都在市中心以外的地方。He took a rather devious route which avoids the city centre.他选了一条相当绕远的路以避开市中心。The city centre was devastated by the bomb.市中心被这枚炸弹严重破坏了。The old city centre is architecturally rich.老城中心的建筑风格多种多样。Oxford city centre is closed to all traffic bar buses and taxis.除了公共汽车和出租车外,牛津市中心不允许任何车辆进入。The terrorists replied promptly and savagely by bombing the city centre.恐怖分子立刻作出反应,对市中心进行了野蛮轰炸。She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.走过市中心那些单调的灰色建筑物,她心里感觉很压抑。The city centre really comes alive at the weekend.到了周末,市中心就变得十分热闹。Cars should be kept out of the city centre.汽车不应该进入市中心。There's been a rash of car thefts in the city centre.在市中心盗车案频频发生。Out-of-town stores have sucked the life out of the city centre.城外的店铺让市中心失去了活力。The station is about two miles away from the city centre.车站离市中心约两英里远。The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire.针对市中心的炮火是停战以来最猛烈的。The hotel is in the city centre, close to shops and local amenities.该酒店位于市中心,紧邻商店和当地的便利设施。The council is to examine ways of reducing traffic in the city centre.市政委员会将研究减少市中心交通量的方法。Parking is difficult in the city centre / center.在市中心停车很困难。The synchronized explosions brought chaos to the city centre.同时发生的几起爆炸事故使市中心陷于混乱。During the last hour we have been receiving reports of an explosion in the city centre.在过去的一个小时里,我们不断收到有关市中心一起爆炸案的报告。Police blocked off the city centre streets.警方封锁了市中心的街道。Five men were wounded by an unidentified gunman in Belfast city centre yesterday.昨天在贝尔法斯特市中心,五名男子被一个身份不明的持枪歹徒打伤。It is not easy to get hold of a taxi in the city centre.在市中心很难叫到出租汽车。It took several hours for the police to regain control after a demonstration in the city centre turned violent.市中心的示威游行变成暴乱后,警方花了数小时再次控制局势。Security cameras have been installed in the city centre.在市中心已安装了一些监控摄像机。The city centre streets are paved with dark local stone.市中心街道用当地的深色石块铺砌而成。Police cordoned off part of the city centre.警察封锁了市中心的部分地区。The city centre was crowded with shoppers.市中心挤满了购物者。Violence flared when groups of rival supporters met in the city centre.对立双方的支持者在市中心遭遇时,发生了暴力冲突。For getting around the city centre, a bicycle's your best bet.在市中心逛逛的话,骑一辆自行车是最佳选择。I tend to give the city centre a wide berth on Saturdays because it's so busy.我星期六往往不去市中心,因为那里人太多了。The city centre is quite lively during the day, but it's totally dead at night.市中心白天相当热闹,晚上却死气沉沉。The situation in the city centre is getting increasingly confused, and riot police have been told to stand by.市中心的情况越来越混乱,防暴警察已接到命令要严阵以待。




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