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例句 This play is characterized as a comedy.这出戏被归类为喜剧。The government classified it as a state secret.政府把它归类为国家机密。Showers, like taps, are classed as fixtures and fittings and not part of the hot water and central heating system.喷头和水龙头一样,都归类为固定装置与配件,而不归入热水和中央供暖系统。Lindsay, like his films, is hard to categorise.林赛这个人和他的电影一样,很难归类Scientists have discovered a new type of butterfly which has not yet been classified.科学家发现了一种新的蝴蝶,目前尚未归类I don't want to be pigeonholed as a kids' presenter.我不想被归类为儿童节目主持人。Her work is difficult to categorize.她的工作很难归类You could categorize her as a poet who writes fiction.你可以把她归类为写小说的诗人。Her first novel defies easy categorization.她的第一部小说不容易归类Communication involves a variety of behaviours which are difficult to categorise.沟通涉及多种行为,很难归类Paper, plastic, and cans are sorted for recycling.纸张、塑料和罐子分开归类以便回收。Her first novel defies easy categorisation.她的第一部小说很难归类You can't really attach a label to this type of art.这种艺术真的无法归类Non-fiction books are grouped together under different subjects.非小说类书籍按照不同科目归类When your band becomes successful, people immediately try to pigeonhole you, but we're into all kinds of music - dance, rock, jazz, blues.乐队成功之后大家马上就想来给你归类了,但我们可是舞曲、摇滚、爵士、布鲁斯什么音乐都演奏的。The poems are grouped thematically.这些诗歌按主题归类When at home, most evenings would be spent reading, cutting up and filing away his photographs.晚上在家时,经常都是在看书或剪切和归类他的照片。She grouped the toys together by type.她将玩具归类整理。They hire high-school students for routine work such as filing.他们聘请高中生来做文档归类的例行工作。Keene doesn't like to be categorized as a socialist.基恩不喜欢人们把他归类为社会主义者。You shouldn't pigeonhole people according to your first impressions of them.你不该凭初次的印象就轻率地把人归类As a musician, Cage is hard to classify.作为一名音乐家,凯奇很难归类




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