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I hope my visit will not inconvenience you.我希望我的来访不会给你带来不便。Such delays often incommoded passengers.如此种种的延误常给旅客带来不便。The airport announced that due to bad weather all flights were cancelled, and they regretted any inconvenience this would cause.机场广播说由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已取消,给乘客带来不便,他们感到非常遗憾。The heatwave brought traffic misery to thousands.热浪给数以千计的人的出行带来不便。Will it cause any difficulties if I go early?如果我提早离开,会不会给你们带来不便 ?The road had never been paved and deep mud was often a problem.这条路从来没有铺过路面,泥泞不堪的道路经常带来不便。The CEO certification clause has caused a chill in the mergers and acquisitions business.首席执行官认证条款对企业并购带来不便。 |