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词汇 car
例句 A car and driver were placed at my disposal.有辆配司机的车子供我随意支配。The steering on this car is a little stiff.这车的方向盘不太灵活。I backed the car into an empty parking space.我将车倒入一个空车位。He saw a car coming over the top of the rise.他看见一辆汽车从山坡上开过来。He's a hypocrite - he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge car.他是个伪君子——他总在教导别人要保护环境,可他自己却开着辆大排量的汽车到处转。My car was laid up for repairs.我的车送去修理了。Could you move your car, please? It's blocking the road.你能把车挪一下吗?挡着路了。I saw the car coming straight at me.我看到那汽车径直向我开来。He limped away from his car.他一瘸一拐地离开他的车。He chased the kids away from his new car.他让孩子们离他的新车远一点。He killed the engine and got out of the car.他关掉发动机,从车里出来。They would rather schuss than take the cable car.他们宁可滑雪下山也不愿坐缆车。I guess now's as good a time as any to tell Dad about the car.我想现在是和爸爸谈谈汽车的合适时机。He died in hospital after being knocked down by a car.他被车撞倒后死在了医院。They had doused a car with gasoline and then set it on fire.他们把汽油浇在一辆汽车上,然后点火焚烧。Many Americans tour by car in summer.许多美国人夏天开车旅游。The car rides smoothly/well.这辆车行驶平稳/良好。He gave the car a lick and a promise.他马马虎虎地把汽车洗了洗。Our car was buried somewhere under the rubble.我们的车被埋在碎石下面的某个地方。They put the car on the market in the full knowledge that it had design faults.他们明知此车有设计缺陷,却仍将它投放市场。He drives a big, fancy car.他开了一辆很大的豪华汽车。The top of the car was caved in by the impact.那个冲击使得车顶塌了。Do you know who the car's original owner is?你知道这辆车原来的主人是谁吗?The car speeded up when it reached the country.汽车一到乡间就加快速度。She turned the car around and drove back home.她掉转车头开回了家。The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.车子在弯道处失去控制,一头扎下堤岸。She watched until the car disappeared from sight.她一直看着这辆车,直到它在视线中消失。The car corners well.这车转弯很灵便。This is our new car. I bought it yesterday.这是我们的新车。我昨天买的。A tree fell onto a car, trapping the people inside.一棵树倒落在一辆车上,把里面的人给困住了。Excessive driving at night ages a car battery.过多地在夜间开车会使汽车的蓄电池老化。It was not until we felt the exhaust pipe scraping along the road that we realized there was something wrong with the car.我们感到排气管擦着了路面才发现汽车出问题了。May I borrow your car, Mother?我能借你的车用用吗,妈妈?The car slid into the ditch.汽车滑进了沟里。He enjoys monkeying around with his car's engine.他喜欢瞎捣鼓他的汽车引擎。The firm has been unable to satisfy demand for its new small car.那家公司一直未能满足对其所生产的新型小汽车的需求。They got into the car and zoomed off.他们钻进汽车一溜烟地开走了。The car did not do well in its tryout. 这辆车在试用时表现不佳。A spray of bullets tore into his car.一阵弹雨打穿了他的汽车。She had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.她卖了自行车,考了驾照,并买了辆汽车。




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