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词汇 negligent
例句 The defendant was culpably negligent.被告是过失犯罪。The jury found the doctor criminally negligent.陪审团认为这名医生犯有玩忽职守罪。Mr Brown was found guilty of negligent driving.布朗先生被判疏忽驾驶罪。The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.陪审团裁定航空公司在对机组人员的培训和管理方面存在疏漏。The jury determined that the airline was negligent in training and supervising the crew.陪审团裁定航空公司在对全体机组人员的培训和管理问题上存在疏漏。The judge held that the company had been negligent.法官认定该公司有疏忽。I think that it would be very derelict and negligent if we didn't try.我认为如果我们不尝试去做,那就是极度的不负责任和玩忽职守。It was quickly established that several members of the crew had been negligent.事情很快就证实了,有几名机组人员玩忽职守。This Government have been negligent in the caring of mental health patients.该政府忽视了对精神病患者的看护。The fire was started by a negligent smoker.火灾是有人随便吸烟引起的。Laura acknowledged this compliment with a negligent wave of her left hand.劳拉随意挥了挥左手算是听到了这个赞扬。She was negligent about sending a thank-you note. 她一时疏忽忘记写感谢信了。If the government is proved negligent, compensation will be payable.如果证明是政府的疏忽,就应支付赔偿。Pryce accused the other driver of being careless and negligent.普赖斯指责另一个司机疏忽大意。Retrospectively, it seems as if they probably were negligent.回想一下,看起来他们很可能是疏忽了。The city was negligent in not shoring up the walls.市政府疏于维护,没有用柱子对那些墙壁进行加固。She stood in the doorway, one hand above her head in a negligent pose.她站在门口,一只手举到头上,一副很随意的样子。The evidence points/leads to the inescapable conclusion that she was negligent.证据指向一个必然的结论,那就是她玩忽职守。He was negligent in not reporting the accident to the police.他一时疏忽,没把事故报告给警方。The logical/obvious conclusion is that she was negligent.合理/明显的结论是她玩忽职守。The report stated that Dr Brady had been negligent in not giving the patient a full examination.该报告称布雷迪医生失职,未给病人作全面的身体检查。The hospital was negligent in the way it cared for this young man.医院对这个年轻人疏于照顾。The Council had acted in a negligent manner.市政会的做法属于失职。




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