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词汇 Negotiations
例句 Negotiations broke down after only two days.谈判只进行了两天就破裂了。Negotiations are finally due to begin after months of political deadlock.几个月的政治僵局之后谈判终于在预定时间开始。Negotiations have broken down, and the peace agreement is now in jeopardy.谈判破裂了,和平协议现正受到威胁。Negotiations quickly ran into roadblocks.谈判很快遇到了障碍。Negotiations failed to forestall the conflict.谈判未能阻止冲突的发生。Negotiations with the Turkish government are due to begin tomorrow.同土耳其政府的谈判预定从明天开始。Negotiations brought an end to the conflict.谈判结束了冲突。Negotiations are likely to be held up by differences between them.由于他们间的意见分歧,谈判可能陷于停顿。Negotiations are a two-way thing - both sides have to come to a compromise.谈判是双方的事——双方都必须作出妥协。Negotiations about his transfer are continuing off the pitch.关于他转会的谈判仍在球场外继续进行。Negotiations with management broke off Tuesday, with wage proposals the stumbling block.星期二与资方的谈判破裂了,工资提议成了障碍。Negotiations were carried out against a backdrop of continued fighting.谈判是在战斗仍在继续的背景下进行的。Negotiations between the two countries are approaching a crisis.两国间的谈判逐渐接近关键时刻。Negotiations ended in deadlock.谈判最后陷入了僵局。Negotiations have completely collapsed.谈判彻底破裂了。Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.谈判似乎已陷入僵局。Negotiations were conducted outside the framework of the treaty talks.在协议谈判框架之外还举行了几次协商。Negotiations were continuing apace.谈判正迅速进行。Negotiations are not expected to resume until early next year.谈判要到明年年初才有望恢复。Negotiations are preferable to conquest.谈判比征服更可取。Negotiations between the enemies are of necessity indirect.敌对双方之间的谈判必然是间接进行的。Negotiations brought a stop to the conflict.谈判制止了冲突。Negotiations are at an impasse. = Negotiations have reached/hit an impasse.谈判陷入僵局。Negotiations have entered a critical phase.谈判已经进入了关键阶段。Negotiations were conducted in secret.谈判秘密进行。Negotiations remained stalled yesterday in New York.昨天在纽约进行的谈判依然陷于停滞状态。Negotiations are now taking place between the two governments.两国政府正在谈判。Negotiations continued all day to try to avert a strike.为了避免罢工,谈判持续了一整天。Negotiations deadlocked over this issue.谈判在这个问题上陷入了僵局。Negotiations between the countries reached a critical juncture.两国之间的谈判到了关键时刻。Negotiations would be messy and time-consuming.谈判会非常麻烦而且耗时长久。Negotiations have broken down. 谈判已经破裂。Negotiations have begun in preparation for the handover of power to the new government.准备向新政府移交权力的谈判已经开始。




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