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词汇 negotiations
例句 As the negotiations grind on, time is passing towards the deadline.谈判没完没了地进行下去,很快就要到最后期限了。Will a break in negotiations lead inexorably to conflict?谈判破裂将必然导致冲突吗?The crisis was resolved by negotiations.危机通过谈判得到解决。The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations.政府从这些谈判中正取得缓慢的、间断性的进展。Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations.双方都表明愿意开始谈判。The issue is still a major roadblock in the negotiations.这个问题仍然是谈判中的主要障碍。The college has been in negotiations with some local businesses to set up links between the college and nearby firms.学院正在和一些本地企业商谈以建立起学院与附近公司之间的联系。The company says it has reached an impasse in negotiations with the union.公司称与工会的谈判已陷入僵局。The negotiations reached a deadlock after two hours.谈判进行两小时后便陷入僵局。It might give the Commission undue influence over the coming negotiations.这可能会在即将开启的谈判问题上给委员会带来过多的影响。The negotiations continued without a hitch.谈判顺利进行。The diplomatic negotiations were soon overtaken by events.外交谈判很快就因发生的事件而前功尽弃了。The negotiations have reopened.谈判已经重新开始了。The negotiations were very near to breaking down.谈判几近破裂。The negotiations were attended by representatives of several states.来自几个国家的代表出席了谈判。French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。After a week of negotiations, the differences between the two sides are now relatively insignificant.经过一周的谈判,现在双方的分歧相对来说已经微不足道了。The leaders hunkered down at a country estate for difficult peace negotiations.领导人待在一座农庄,进行艰难的和平谈判。He is plodding on with negotiations.他正缓慢艰难地进行着谈判。The attack was launched after inconclusive negotiations.在谈判毫无结果之后发动了进攻。Her remarks suggest that the negotiations may be successful.她的话暗示谈判可能成功。We hope to renew negotiations soon.我们希望尽快重启谈判。Contract negotiations have fallen through.合同谈判已经告吹。The negotiations will be held on neutral territory.谈判将在中立国的领土上举行。Rebel leaders attempted to string out negotiations to avoid reaching a settlement.叛军首领企图拖延谈判,避免达成协议。They were stoutly opposed to negotiations.他们坚决反对谈判。They used the agreement as a jumping-off point for further negotiations.他们将这次的协议用作进一步谈判的起点。The negotiations turned out to be an exercise in futility. 这些谈判结果都是无功而返。These accusations came at a critical phase in the negotiations.这些指控是在谈判进行到关键阶段提出的。Given the strength of pressure on both sides, the superpowers may well have difficulties sponsoring negotiations.迫于来自对方的强大压力,两个超级大国想要组织谈判肯定会有困难。Don't rock the boat until the negotiations are finished.在谈判结束之前不要惹是生非。The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.这一争端与谈判没有直接联系。He operates in the negotiations with tact.他在谈判过程中表现机智灵活。Their attempt to settle the dispute by peaceful negotiations proved fruitless.他们想通过和平谈判来解决争端的尝试最终失败了。These negotiations are crucial to the future of our firm.这些谈判对我们公司的前途至关重要。Extending this approach to the rest of the planet became the focus for our international negotiations.将这一方法推广至全球其他地区成为我们进行国际谈判的核心。We went into the negotiations blind and, not surprisingly, the other side ran rings around us.我们没怎么准备就参与谈判,结果对方完全压过我们也就不足为奇了。He has shown himself to be a canny operator in wage negotiations.他在薪酬谈判过程中表现得精明老练。The trade negotiations between the US and Japan are going very well.美日之间的贸易谈判进行得卓有成效。The issue of an arms embargo will be at the crux of the negotiations in Geneva.武器禁运将是日内瓦谈判的核心议题。




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