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词汇 negotiated
例句 The nurses' union negotiated a new contract.护士工会谈成了一份新合同。She stopped talking as she negotiated a particularly sharp turn.她转一个特别急的弯时停止了说话。She negotiated the chairs in the middle of the room.她绕过房间中央的几张椅子。A negotiated settlement might yet be possible.也许仍有可能通过磋商达成协议。He successfully negotiated the slippery steps.他顺利地走过了打滑的台阶。The local government and the army negotiated a truce.当地政府和军方通过谈判达成了停战协议。A compact was negotiated between the company and the union.公司和工会之间协商了一份协定。The US administration would like to see a negotiated settlement to the war.美国政府希望看到战争能以和谈方式解决。Fortunately, a peace satisfactory to both countries was soon negotiated.幸运的是,两国很快就通过谈判缔结了双方都满意的和约。The crisis might have been finessed into a negotiated settlement.这场危机本来可以通过谈判得以解决。The South African president has negotiated an end to white-minority rule.南非总统已通过谈判达成协议,结束了少数白人的统治。The deal was negotiated behind closed doors.这笔交易是秘密商谈的。Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.工会领袖已经商定了一份缩短每周工作时间的协议。A negotiated peace would be preferable to a protracted war.通过谈判实现和平要强于长期的战争。The driver carefully negotiated the winding road.司机小心翼翼地穿过了这条蜿蜒的道路。Congress repudiated the treaty that the President had negotiated.国会拒绝批准总统已商定的条约。He proposed a negotiated settlement of the outstanding disputes between the two countries.他提出协商解决两国之前尚未解决的争端。The union has negotiated a temporary settlement.工会已协商通过了一项临时协议。Marantz resigned after discovering that dubious business deals were being negotiated by his fellow officials.马兰兹发现他的同事在与别人洽谈可疑的商业交易后就辞职了。The parameters of the job are being continually negotiated.有关这项工作的职责范围一直在协商。They finally negotiated a peace treaty.他们最终谈判达成了一个和平条约。I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop.我骑摩托车顺利通过拐角,然后停了下来。They negotiated the trip in two hours.他们两小时就结束了这段旅程。At present, the outlook for any kind of negotiated solution appears bleak.目前,任何一种磋商解决的办法好像都前景黯淡。We negotiated a fair price/contract.我们通过谈判达成了公平的价格/合同。The military modalities of a cease-fire are more easily negotiated than the political modalities.停火的军事步骤要比政治步骤容易达成协议。The local government and the army negotiated a truce.地方政府和部队经过谈判达成休战协定。He negotiated the release of American prisoners of war.他通过谈判解决释放美国战俘的问题。I negotiated the bend on my motorbike and then stopped.我骑着摩托车拐了弯,然后停了下来。Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.租金由房东和房客单独协商。I negotiated my way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.我驱车驶出机场,汇入车流之中。Rather than roll prices back, the company negotiated pay increases that ranged between 10 and 15 percent.该公司协商要加薪百分之十到十五,而不是降低价格。While the US mobilizes, top-level diplomats are making a last attempt to reach a negotiated settlement.当全美国都动员起来时,高层外交官还在作最后的努力,试图通过谈判来解决问题。




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