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词汇 negotiate
例句 We should be free to negotiate with whoever we want.无论想与谁谈判,我们都应该有与之谈判的自由。Banding together allows growers to negotiate a better price for their crop.种植者们联合起来能在谈判中为自己的农产品争取到较好的价格。Whenever the union called a strike, the management agreed to negotiate.每当工会下令举行罢工,管理层就同意谈判。Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate.反对派的势力日趋强大,政府因而同意进行谈判。They failed to negotiate a mutually acceptable contract.他们未能商定一份令双方满意的合同。The priest helped to negotiate a truce between the warring sides.那个牧师推动交战双方通过谈判达成停战协定。He has insisted that his organisation will not negotiate with the government.他坚称他的组织不愿与政府谈判。They are trying to negotiate the withdrawal of 20,000 troops.他们正打算协商有关两万人的部队的撤军问题。The company's had some tricky problems to negotiate in its first year in business.公司运营的头一年有些棘手的问题要解决。The parties have not been able to reach/negotiate a settlement in the case.各方未能在这一问题上达成一致。The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement.总统还呼吁各国就签订国际贸易协定加倍努力磋商。The two sides have yet to show their willingness to negotiate.双方尚未表达出谈判的愿望。It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.政府不应与恐怖分子谈判,这是一个普遍认可的原则。It is not clear whether the president is willing to negotiate with the democrats.还不清楚总统是否愿意和民主人士洽谈。They found it expedient to negotiate with the terrorists.他们发现与恐怖分子谈判是权宜之计。We must negotiate from a position of strength.我们必须从优势地位来进行谈判。The countries each sent representatives to negotiate a cease-fire.每个国家分别派出代表协商以求达成停火协议。The flight of steps was quite difficult to negotiate with a heavy suitcase.提着沉重的箱子很难走过这段台阶。They have demonstrated a willingness to negotiate.他们表示出谈判的意愿。Guido swung the steering-wheel round to negotiate a corner.吉多转动方向盘,顺利地通过了拐角。We still need to negotiate the details of the contract.我们还要就合同的细节进行磋商。Union negotiate conditions of employment.工会就雇用条件进行谈判。France has been the holdout in trying to negotiate an end to the dispute.在试图协商解决争端时,法国不肯让步。The agency is not in a position to negotiate or make decisions.代理商无权讲条件或作决定。They were not prepared to negotiate.他们不愿意谈判。The clay was difficult for some plant roots to negotiate.有些植物的根很难在这种土里生长。They have refused to negotiate on this issue.他们拒绝就这一问题进行谈判。Let's wait until she's got into her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract.让我们等她熟悉了情况进入状态之后再和她磋商那份合同的内容。He slowed down to negotiate the bend.他减速通过了弯道。The council's relative independence of the government means it can negotiate its own agreements.市政会相对独立于政府,意味着它可以自主谈判签订协议。The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。The President wants to squelch any perception that the meeting is an attempt to negotiate.总统想要消除任何视本次会议为谈判尝试的看法。Unable to negotiate, they began to slug it out in the media.谈判不成,他们开始通过舆论工具来一决胜负。It is better to negotiate than to settle political disputes on the field of battle.谈判总比在战场上解决政治争议好。The driver failed to negotiate a bend and ran into a tree.司机没能顺利拐弯,撞到了树上。They were not empowered to negotiate without instructions.没有指示,他们无权谈判。We are ready for discussions but not inclined to negotiate.我们愿意商讨,但不想讨价还价。The government says it will not negotiate with terrorists.政府表示不会与恐怖主义分子谈判。The government claims that as long as they have nuclear weapons, they can negotiate from a position of strength.政府声称,只要有核武器,就能在谈判中处于有利地位。The President is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.总统愿意与民主党人士商谈。




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