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例句 They are committed to fighting against racism.他们誓与种族歧视斗争到底It remains to be seen how many senior citizens will actually benefit from this new plan.到底有多少老年人实际上会从此新方案中受益还不知道。We don't have the confidence that the UN will carry through a sustained program.我们不相信联合国能够将一个长久的项目执行到底She was embroidering the design onto canvas.她正在把图案绣到底布上。What the dickens is that?到底是什么? I don't really know how she got the job, but I think her mother has contacts.我不知道她到底怎么得到这份工作的,不过我想她母亲有些门路。He hasn't yet decided what direction he should take as a writer. 作为一个作家,他还没有确定到底应该怎样发展。What's all this nonsense about you giving up your job?这些关于你要辞职的胡扯到底是怎么回事?Everyone seems to have admired Diana, but what was she really like as a person?每个人好像都很羡慕戴安娜,但她到底是个什么样的人呢?Having come this far, she was determined to see things through.既然走到这么远了,她决定把事情做到底Whatever happened to your friend George?你的朋友乔治到底发生了什么事?No matter how hard he tried, I still had no visualization of his design.无论他怎么努力说明,我还是想像不出他的设计到底是什么样子。What the hell are you about?到底在做什么? Nothing is known as yet about what transpired at the meeting.会上到底发生了什么现在还没人知道。What exactly did she mean by that anyhow?不过,她那么说到底是什么意思?What was he doing with so much of the company's money in his personal account anyway?他把那么多的公司资金存在他个人账户里到底是在搞什么名堂?We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.我们会斗争到底,确保我们的孩子得到理应属于他们的东西。What on earth/the hell were you playing at? - You could have got us all killed!到底在瞎搞什么?你差点把我们都害死了!She knew she could either admit the truth or brazen it out.她心里明白,她要么承认事实,要么厚着脸皮撑到底What the dickens are you doing with that paint?你拿着那油漆到底在干什么?By borrowing from dozens of banks, he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to.他向许多银行借款,使得任何一家都搞不清楚他到底要做什么。How do they do it anyway?他们到底是要怎么做?Whoever said that?到底谁讲的这话? What on earth have you got in this bag, Elaine? It weighs a ton!伊莱恩,你这个包里装的到底是什么?沉死了!How do you actually go about discovering a thing like that?.到底是怎么发现这种东西的?What did you ever do to make him so angry?到底干了什么事惹他这么生气? What exactly is the risk of an ordinary aircraft crashing?一架普通的飞机失事的危险性到底有多大?What the heck are those kids doing?那些小孩到底在搞什么名堂? Did you find out anything at all?到底发现了什么?It would depend how far down the line the relationship was.这得视这一关系到底发展到了什么程度而定。What the ruddy hell are you doing?到底在搞什么鬼?Why on earth did you take the dog into the churchyard?到底为什么要把狗带到教堂墓地去呢? At length, we began to understand what she wanted.最后,我们总算弄清楚她到底要什么。I wonder just how good he is in spoken English.我很想知道他的英语口语到底有多好。She's still trying to dope out exactly what happened.她还在努力想明白到底发生了什么事。What manner of place is this?到底是个什么地方?However did you find this place in such weather?到底是怎样在这样的天气里找到这个地方的?However did you know that?到底怎么知道那件事的? What in the world are you up to? Stop it at once!到底在搞什么名堂?马上停止!Wherein lies the truth?真理到底在哪里?




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