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例句 I've a nice little sum of money put aside for a rainy day.我存了一笔不小的钱以备不时之需。She has put some money by for emergencies.她存了些钱以备不时之需。She has been able to lay aside a few dollars each week.她每周都能够存几美元以备不时之需。One company is giving its employees airplane tickets in the event they need to make a hasty escape.一家公司正在给员工发放机票,以备他们需要时紧急撤离。You should start saving money for the time when you get past it.你应该开始积钱,以备将来年老不能工作时用。Linda copied down Eddie's name and address just in case.琳达抄下了埃迪的姓名地址,以备不时之需。All our chalets include a microwave for extra convenience.我们为所有的度假小屋配了微波炉,以备不时之需。They took some samples of products for evaluation.他们对产品作了抽样以备评估。She told me to keep the money for emergencies.她让我留着这笔钱以备不时之需。They’re equipped with a strap that can be hooked on to your purse, backpack or belt for safe keeping.它们配有一条带子,可挂在钱包、背包或腰带上以备保管。She's retraining as a database specialist.她正参加再培训以备成为数据库专业人才。Hold onto your ticket stub in case you leave the theater and want to come back in again.留好票根,以备离开剧院还想再进来时用。He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there.他买下那所乡间小屋以备退休后住在那里。We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.我们应该多放几把椅子,以备更多人的到来。It is necessary to save for when you are ill or too old to work.有必要积蓄些钱以备生病或年老不能工作时用。I'll keep Thursday afternoon clear in case we need to meet.我会把周四下午空出来以备万一到时我们需要碰头。The report was filed for future reference. 这份报告存了档以备将来参考。Keep your receipt in case you need to return anything.保存好收据,以备万一退货。Here's my card if you need any help.请留下我的名片,以备不时之需。We turned out the bedroom drawers ready for our guest.我们把卧室里的抽屉出清以备客人使用。She puts aside money in her monthly budget for nonessentials like haircuts and vacations.她在每月预算中留出些钱以备理发和度假之类的非必要消费。The firewood was nicely corded by the house in anticipation of winter.柴木整齐地堆放在屋旁以备过冬。Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.仔细阅读这些注释并将其保留下来以备将来之用。I always keep a blanket and a toolkit in the trunk for emergencies.我总是在汽车后备箱里放一条毯子和一个工具箱以备急用。He set a little money aside for a rainy day. 他攒了点钱以备不时之需。They put money by for later use.他们储存钱以备将来使用。We bought in lots of tinned food in case of heavy snow.我们买了许多罐装食品以备大雪时用。The details are filed away by his three secretaries for future reference.详细材料已由他的三个秘书归档以备日后查阅。Keep savings as a buffer against unexpected cash needs.存些积蓄以备不时之需。I should have started saving for my retirement when I was younger.我本应该早一些开始存钱以备退休之用。She stood some distance away from him to maintain a safety zone.她站得离他有些距离,以备安全。You should keep these instructions for future reference. 你应该保存这些说明书,以备将来参考。Water is stored against the dry season.蓄水以备旱季使用。Make sure you have food to tide you over when the local shop may be shut.一定要存些食物,以备当地商店歇业后的不时之需。Roden had already constructed a rude cabin for himself and his family in case of necessity.罗登已为自己和家人搭好了一个简陋的小木屋,以备不时之需。We brought/took an extra battery along just in case we needed it.我们带了一块备用电池在身上以备不时之需。The priest prepared the body for burial.神父为死者做祷告以备将其下葬。I always keep a few tissues close at hand just in case.我总在手边放一些纸巾以备不时之需。She has been able to lay by a few dollars each week.她每周都能够存几美元以备不时之需。They have a little nest egg tucked away somewhere for a rainy day.他们把一小笔钱存在了什么地方,以备不时之需。




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