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词汇 主人公
例句 The main character's childhood takes up a good portion of the film.主人公的童年生活占据了电影的很大一部分。Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.莎士比亚把主人公表现成一位高尚却注定要犯错的人。The writer and her main character are one.作者和她笔下的主人公是同一个人。Much of the book's appeal derives from the personality of its central character.这本书的魅力在很大程度上源自主人公的性格。The main character in the movie is Dr Hannibal Lector, who displays all the characteristics of a psychopath.影片的主人公是汉尼拔·莱克特医生,他表现出了一个精神变态者的种种特点。The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.主人公丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。The author presented his hero as a dynamic person.作家把主人公表现为一个富有生气的人。In the first chapter, the hero sets off on a long voyage across the ocean.第一章里,主人公开始了漫长的横穿大洋之旅。His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.正是他的妻子使他产生了灵感,塑造出了这本书的主人公The book's plot pivots on the main character's need for revenge.这本书的情节根据主人公需要复仇而展开。The hero eventually cops off with the princess.主人公终于和公主勾搭上了。Most of these movies have characters racing against the clock to save the day.在大部分的这类电影中,主人公都是为力挽狂澜而争分夺秒。In the movie version, Branagh played the hero.在电影版中,布拉那扮演主人公As one critic perceptively observes, the city itself is perhaps the most important character in the novel.正如一位评论家敏锐的见解,这座城市本身或许就是小说中最重要的主人公The main character was crazy, hearing voices in his head.主人公疯了,他听到自己脑子里有好几个声音在说话。To explain the present situation, the film cuts back to the hero's childhood.为了说明目前的处境,电影镜头切回到主人公的童年时代。The hero dies at the climax of the opera.主人公在歌剧达到高潮时死去。Compare and contrast the main characters of these two novels.将这两本小说中的主人公进行比较对照。She identified strongly with the main character in the play.她与戏里的主人公产生了强烈共鸣。In the story, the main character has left his girlfriend and baby.故事中,主人公离开了自己的女友和婴儿。Garcia Gutierrez wrote two plays with revolutionaries as their heroes.加西亚·古铁雷斯写了两个剧本,都以革命者为主人公The hero sacrifices his life so that his friend may live.主人公牺牲了自己的生命,让他的朋友能够活下去。One chapter of the story stars a goose named Onker.小说里有一章以一只名叫奥克的鹅为主人公The book ends with the protagonist's murder.该书以主人公被谋杀结尾。The movie's hero meets an unhappy fate.这部影片的主人公命运坎坷。The protagonist is middle-aged, down at heel and heading for professional oblivion.主人公是一位邋里邋遢、事业每况愈下的中年人。The writer and her main character are one and the same.作者和她笔下的主人公是同一个人。The main character is a soldier in the First World War.主人公是第一次世界大战时的一名士兵。The movie follows three heroes who fight the dark forces/powers that threaten the world.电影围绕着三位主人公与威胁世界的邪恶势力斗争的主题展开。She asked the author if she had modelled her hero on anybody in particular.她问作者书中的主人公是否是以某个人为原型。The reader soon picks up on the fact that the story's main character is crazy.读者很快发现这个故事的主人公很疯狂。The main character is engagingly good-hearted and innocent.主人公心地善良纯洁,讨人喜欢。The main character speaks directly into the camera.主人公对着镜头直接讲话。The novel's central character is an orphan.这部小说的主人公是一个孤儿。At the end of the movie, the hero rides off into the sunset.影片结束时,主人公骑马奔向远方。In her latest film, the story is told in reverse. We see the main character as an adult in the beginning and as a child at the end.在她的最新影片中,故事以倒叙形式讲述。我们看到的主人公在开头是成年人,在结尾是孩子。The events of the hero's childhood are shown as a series of flashbacks.主人公的童年用一连串闪回镜头展现出来。A happy ending is only possible because the hero has first vanquished the dragons.只有主人公先把那些恶龙制服,才有可能实现大团圆结局。During his acting career, he has played all Shakespeare's great tragic heroes.在他的演员生涯中,他扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中所有著名的悲剧主人公Her reading of the text is that the main character is depressed.她对文章的解读是主人公消沉。




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