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词汇 此地
例句 The area was a popular tourist haunt.此地是游客常来之处。She used to come here every Saturday evening as regular as clockwork.她过去每逢星期六傍晚必来此地When I first came here everyone gave me a really hard time, because I was the first woman to run a department.我刚来此地时大家都与我为难,因为我是第一个管理一个部门的女性。Only William would ever sink so low as to organize a date there.只有威廉会堕落到如此地步,把约会安排在那里。He's so like his father.他是如此地像他的父亲。Mendoza is here pending his request for political asylum.门多萨在申请政治避难期间将留在此地It's exciting to think that so many great men and women have made speeches on this spot.想到那么多伟人曾在此地发表过演说,真让人激动。The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.毒品贩子在南部买进原始古柯叶,在此地提炼成可卡因,然后私运到北部。It's an open secret that organized crime has been financing films here for years.有组织的犯罪活动多年来一直为此地的电影业提供资金,这已是公开的秘密。The discovery seems to confirm that people lived here over 10,000 years ago.此次发现似乎证实,一万多年前此地就有人居住。The landscape is made up of low, rolling hills.此地的地貌为低矮起伏的丘陵。He is one of the regular callers here.他是此地的常客之一。I shall leave here the day after tomorrow.我后天离开此地I've been working here for more than fifteen years.我在此地工作已超过了十五年。He really did that? I didn't think he could stoop so low.他真的干了那事?我以为他不会卑鄙到如此地步。People around here are sometimes prejudiced against Catholics.此地的人有时对天主教徒有偏见。She was at pains to point out that she was no newcomer to the area.她努力想说明她对此地并不陌生。A storm like that is an anomaly for this area. 这样的暴雨在此地颇为罕见。She has expressed a wish to seek asylum here.她表达了想在此地寻求避难的愿望。Youngsters get so absorbed that they don't realise how much they're exerting themselves.年轻人如此地沉浸其中,他们没有意识到自己有多么努力。The old-timers and established families clutched the reins of power.久居此地的居民和根基稳固的家族牢牢掌控着权力。We are ourselves partly culpable for the state of events.事情发展到如此地步,我们自己应负部分责任。We're trying to persuade the manufacturers to sell them here.我们正在努力劝说生产商在此地销售。I will take my farewell of this place tomorrow. 明天我就要离开此地了。We must leave here in good time so as not to have to hurry.我们必须早点离开此地,免得着忙。 The printing of the books is done off the premises. 这些书的印刷不在此地The monks here believe strongly in the power of prayer and meditation.此地的僧侣非常相信祷告和冥思的力量。She's changed a lot since she's been here.她来此地后变了许多。She is here to promote her latest chart hit.她到此地来宣传她的最新上榜唱片。He is fairly high-up in the insurance world here.他在此地保险业中地位颇高。The samba players danced off to Fort Park.桑巴舞蹈演员离开此地去了福特公园。The town council voted to zone the area for industrial use.镇议会投票决定将此地区划为工业用地。Nothing ever happens to disturb the tranquillity of this little town, hidden in the Tuscan hills.这座小城隐藏在托斯卡纳山区的深处,从来没有发生过打破此地平静的事。We rented a car and went house-hunting as soon as we arrived.我们一到此地便租了辆汽车,开始找房子。You are not allowed to camp here without permission.未经许可不得在此地宿营。He said it was absolutely disgraceful that anyone should sink to such depths.他说任何人堕落到如此地步都是极为可耻的。He could rest safely in this place.他可以在此地安全地休息。They had kept themselves to themselves ever since they had come here.他们自从搬来此地以后,从来不与别人交往。Living in the country, you feel much closer to nature.居住在农村里,你会感受到与大自然是如此地接近。I met one of her brothers when he was here on business.我见过她的一个兄弟,当时他正在此地出差。




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