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例句 The footballer said he'd received an approach from another team, and that he was considering the offer.这名足球运动员说另一个球队已经跟他洽谈要他加盟,并说他正在考虑此事She carefully avoided talking about it.她非常小心地避而不谈此事On his lips the story did not lose in the telling.此事从他嘴里说出来不曾失真。She asked me not to say anything about it to anyone.她要我对任何人都不要谈起此事I promise to look into the matter.我保证调查此事We will put the matter before the committee.我们将把此事提交委员会考虑。This event will counteract such trends.此事会遏制这些趋势。The shop assistants didn't really want to discuss the matter, saying it was just my hard luck.店员们其实并不想谈论此事,说那只是我运气不好。The general manager promised to search into the matter.总经理答应深入调查此事The decision to keep people in the dark was motivated by money.金钱成为对人们隐瞒此事的动机。I heard about it through a friend.我是通过一个朋友听说此事的。I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.回顾此事,我会无比地开心。John was careful not to say anything about this to her.约翰小心翼翼,避免向她提及此事Would you care to place a small wager of $5 on it?你愿不愿就此事打个五元的小赌? You should not hold it cheap.你不能轻视此事He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.他痛苦地吸了口气,不得不坦言此事The court remitted the matter to the agency for reconsideration.法庭把此事转回事务处作重新考虑。The president refused to comment on the affair.总统拒绝评论此事He was doubtful that he would ever manage it.他觉得自己未必能做成此事She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. It checked out.詹森被杀的那个周末她在圣迭戈,此事已经核实。Well I just thought, you know, I'd better agree to it.嗯,你知道,我想我最好同意此事There's at least some chance that it will succeed.此事至少还有一点机会可能成功。On behalf of my client, I would like to remind you of your obligations in this matter.我谨代表我的客户提醒你注意在此事中你应尽的义务。They make a variety of points, but what their complaints come down to is, no one seems to care.他们提了许多意见,但他们的投诉主要可以归结为一点:似乎没人关心此事If you need to return to the UK quickly, British Consular officials may be able to arrange it.如果你需要尽快返回英国,英国领事也许能安排此事He sketched his own part in the affair.他概述了自己在此事中的作用。The pedestrian who had nearly been run over reported the incident to the police.那位差点儿被撞倒的行人向警方报告了此事The two knights decided the matter by single combat.两名骑士以一对一的格斗来解决此事We haven't had any time to talk about it yet.我们还没有时间讨论此事The White House has portrayed the President as deeply conflicted over the matter.白宫的说法是,总统在此事上举棋不定。This has nothing to do with you.此事和你无关。His son hadn't dreamed it up.他儿子并没有虚构此事We will deal with the matter as soon as is humanly possible.一旦人力可及,我们就马上处理此事This matter will be decided by the party's national executive.此事将由该党的全国执行委员会决定。I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.我提议我们下一次开会再讨论此事A consortium of townspeople stepped in to save the cinema.市民们组织起来介入此事,想要挽救这家电影院。It was/happened not long before he arrived.此事发生在他到达前不久。I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you.如果我是你,我才不会为此事失眠呢。This is strictly between us. Nobody else must know.此事仅限于你我之间,不得告诉任何人。It was useless to talk about it any more, for the present at least.此事再谈论毫无用处,至少目前如此。




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