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例句 The boss is in no humor to talk to you right now.此刻老板没有心情同你说话。Right now I'm in need of a little filial affection.此刻我需要的是一份孝心。I'm afraid Mrs Haley is in a meeting at the moment.恐怕黑利夫人此刻正在开会。Winning the election appears unlikely at this point.此刻赢得选举似乎不大可能。Dr Shapiro is busy right now, but I'll ask him to return your call when he's free.夏皮罗医生此刻很忙,等他有空时我告诉他回你电话。England need heroics from the captain now.英格兰队此刻需要队长采取英勇果断的行为。The doctor is in there with her at the moment.此刻医生正和她在那里。He must be wondering why everyone is being so beastly to him.他一定正在纳闷为什么大家都对他如此刻薄。And now I depart hence.此刻我离开此地。From this moment Bulgaria was effectively independent.此刻起,保加利亚实际上已经独立。Right now, I've got other problems that are pressing on me.此刻我还有其他问题压在我的身上。We have very little money coming in at the moment.此刻我们没有什么收入。I hadn't really thought about it until this exact moment.直到此时此刻我才真正考虑这件事。Paul has a lot on his mind at the moment.保罗此刻心事重重。They're very upset and don't want to talk at the moment.他们此刻非常烦恼,不想说话。The boss is being in royal spirits right now.此刻,老板情绪极好。Now he slept quietly with his fathers.此刻他安静地躺在祖坟中。There's a marvellous match on at Wimbledon at the moment.此刻在温布尔登正进行着一场精彩的比赛。At this point we can't give you a final answer.此刻我们不能给你最终的回答。He's touring South America at this moment in time.此刻正在南美旅游观光。The moon had almost set and the night was now dark.月亮快落下去了,此刻夜色正暗。Martha was burning with curiosity but realized that now wasn't the time to ask questions.玛莎充满了好奇,但意识到此刻不是提问题的时候。This report is my bedtime reading at the moment.此刻这份报告是我的床头读物。His wire is busy just now.他的电话线此刻没有空。With only minutes to go, we were now in panic mode.只剩下几分钟时间了,我们此刻心里很惊慌。I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I have a lot on my mind at the moment.对不起我没注意听,此刻我有许多烦心事。They are even now preparing for his arrival. 他们此刻正在为他的到来做准备。We can't control what happens. All we can do at this point is hope for the best and trust to luck.我们控制不了局势的发展。我们此刻所能做的就是怀着最好的希望,然后碰运气吧。Kate sat up, her attention now totally concentrated.凯特坐直身子,注意力此刻完全集中起来。I'm agreeing with you now, but I may change my mind later.此刻我与你持相同的意见,不过以后也许会改变看法的。I think, politically, we are out on a limb at the moment.我认为我们此刻在政治上处于孤立地位。I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.此刻,我可不想沦落到他那个境地。What are you thinking right now?此刻你在想什么?Perhaps even now the time has arrived.也许正是此刻时机来到了。At this point, I wouldn't even try to predict the outcome, but we're hoping for the best.此刻我是不会试图去预测结果的,我们只能抱乐观的态度。I'm sure Ted is tootling down the motorway at this very moment.我确信泰德此刻正悠闲自得地开车行驶在高速路上。It was too late in the day for it to do any good now.此刻为时已晚,无论做什么都已于事无补。Things aren't looking so great at this point.此刻情况看起来不太妙。I think she feels desperately wounded and unloved at the moment.我想她此刻定会觉得受到了极大的伤害,无人关爱。I have so many problems to contend with at the moment.此刻有许多问题要处理。




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