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例句 The bird's beak hooks downward.这只鸟的喙像钩子一样向下弯。He huddled in the corner like a terrified child.他像个受惊过度的小孩一样蜷缩在角落里。I'm only flesh and blood, like anyone else.我只是个凡人,和其他人一样The Queen's role remains the same, apparently unaffected by the changes and upheavals of recent years.女王的地位还是一样,似乎没有受到近年来各种变化与动荡的影响。He moved like a tiger prowling the jungle.他像丛林中潜行的老虎一样悄悄前行。The car industry, like most other industries, is feeling the effects of the recession.汽车工业跟其他多数工业一样,也感受到了经济衰退的冲击。The same name is applied to two fruits quite unlike in appearance.两种外观很不一样的水果名字却是一样的。He fought like a tiger.他战斗起来像老虎一样威猛。She saw an obvious parallel with her sister's predicament.她明显和她姐姐一样身处困境。She looked just the same as before.她看上去就和以前一样She gave her brother a sisterly kiss on the cheek.她像姐姐一样亲了一下弟弟的脸。If your goods are up to sample, they should sell readily in the market.如果你们的货跟样品的质量一样好,那末它们在市场上应该有很好的销路。Franklin shared the family's scorn for his wife's new friends.富兰克林和家里人一样,也对他夫人的新朋友们不屑一顾。Next year's profits are expected to be of the same order of magnitude as last year's.明年的利润预计与去年的数额一样We are no nearer agreement now than in the past.我们现在和过去一样,还是不能达成一致意见。You duped me into doing exactly what you wanted, like a master puppeteer.你就像傀儡大师一样骗我做了你想让我做的事。There were to be no ceremonious performances, everything was to be as natural and homelike as possible.将不会有庆典活动,一切都将尽量地自然,如在家里一样Like all tyrannical leaders, he demanded unquestioning obedience from his followers.像所有独裁者一样,他要求他的追随者绝对服从。His hair was snow white like an old man's.他的头发像老年人的头发一样,雪白雪白的。The two women huddled together like schoolgirls, happily engrossed in their conversation.那两个女人就像小学生一样紧紧地靠在一起,相谈甚欢。He felt strange being the boss of people who were as old as his parents.他当老板,手下都是和自己父母一样的人,他感到不自在。His letters, like his poetry, are life-enhancing and a delight.他的书信就像他的诗歌一样令人受益终身、赏心悦目。The associations serve as transmission belts for party policy.这些协会像传动带一样把党的政策传送出去。The two new members had the same name, which made things confusing.两位新成员名字一样,把人都搞糊涂了。They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys.他们像小学生一样,在地板上滚来滚去,互相挥着拳头揍对方。He acted as if he hadn't heard.他表现得就好像没听见一样Mark was still pacing like a caged animal.马克还在像笼中困兽一样踱来踱去。With one or two minor changes, the course is the same as last year.这个课程除了一两处小小的改动外和去年一样What seemed an enormous leap when they made the plan now seems like an everyday norm.在他们做计划时似乎还是巨大飞跃的事情现在看来就跟家常便饭一样I'm sure that the company will pull through, just as it has in difficult times in the past.我确信公司会渡过难关,就像它过去在困难时期做到的一样The camcorder's iris opens and closes just like the iris in the human eye.摄录机的虹彩光圈就像人眼的虹膜一样开合。There are one or two minor differences, but they're substantially the same text.这些文本有一两处小的差异,但它们大体上是一样的。His moustache was as stiff as a toothbrush.他的胡子硬得像牙刷一样Go and wait in line like everyone else.跟别人一样去排队。I know your fiscal situation as well as I know my own.我对你的经济状况的了解程度和对我自己的一样He didn't want to turn out like his father.他不想变得和他父亲一样A thirst for blood is the characteristic of Satanized man.嗜杀成性是撒旦一样的人类的特点。Like most young professional footballers, he really fancied himself.像大多数年轻的职业足球运动员一样,他相当自以为是。The killer appeared to be losing it.这个杀手好像疯了一样She could hate as passionately as she could love.她恨起来可以跟爱起来一样强烈。




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