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词汇 unreliable
例句 Buses to the village are infrequent and unreliable.通往村里的公共汽车很少,而且也靠不住。Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息,这是众所周知的。He was known to be unreliable.人人都知道他靠不住。We could ask our neighbours to feed the cat, but they're a little unreliable.我们可以请邻居喂猫,但他们有些靠不住。Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns.她的旧车老不听使唤,一路上总是出故障。The difficulties of counting whales makes most population figures extremely unreliable.清点鲸鱼的数量是个难题,这使大多数有关鲸鱼总数的数据极不可信。Managers had complained that the workers were lazy and unreliable.经理们抱怨工人们懒惰而且不可靠。Telephone service in most of the country is unreliable.这个国家大部分地区的电话服务都不可靠。The witness is biased and so unreliable.证人抱有偏见,所以是不可靠的。The unemployed are often labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常常被说成懒惰或不可靠。He had an unreliable car.他有辆性能不稳定的车。Users often complain that the Internet is slow and unreliable.电脑用户常抱怨互联网速度慢且不可靠。The mail here's really slow and unreliable.这里的邮递系统实在是又慢又不可靠。Don't ask Jan – she's too unreliable.不要问简,她太不可信。She has proved herself unreliable.她的表现说明她靠不住。The old car proved itself to be increasingly unreliable.那辆旧汽车显露出越来越多的问题。Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.统计数据有时也不可靠是人所共知的。He is an utterly untrustworthy, unreliable source.他是一个完全不值得信任、不可靠的信息源。The car's becoming very unreliable.这辆汽车变得非常不牢靠。Firstly, this car looks awful, and secondly, it's unreliable.首先,这辆汽车外观难看;其次,性能不可靠。Opinion polls are an unreliable predictor of election outcomes.民意测验并不能对选举结果进行可靠预测。The car's unreliable in wet weather.这辆轿车在雨天易出故障。The anthrax test is unreliable because it produces too many false positives.炭疽菌检测是不可靠的,因为这种方法产生太多假阳性结果。Not long ago, computers were crude, unreliable machines, used by only a few experts.不久以前,电脑还是只有少数专家使用的既简陋又不可靠的机器。Membership figures are unreliable.会员人数不准确。The unemployed are often unfairly labelled as lazy or unreliable.失业者常被说成是懒惰或不可信赖的人。The new president is seen to be unreliable on foreign affairs.新总统被认为在外交事务上是不可信赖的。Public transportation here is unreliable. The buses never come on time.这里的公共交通不可靠,公共汽车从来不准时。She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband.她决定与越来越花心、越来越靠不住的丈夫离婚。Rail travel in Britain seems to be getting more and more unreliable.英国的火车旅行似乎越来越不准时。In his dealings with men, Lenny was known to be unreliable.在人际交往方面,伦尼被认为并不可靠。The local hospital care is primitive and unreliable.当地医院的治疗水平落后,靠不住。His trouble is that he's lazy and unreliable.他的问题在于既懒惰又不可靠。He's completely unreliable.他根本靠不住。That report is unreliable.那份报告不可信。It's a nice car, but a bit unreliable.这是辆好车,但性能不太稳定。That old car of theirs is getting so unreliable.他们的那辆破车性能很不稳定了。




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