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词汇 trimmings
例句 We sat down to a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.我们坐下来享用具有各种花色配菜的圣诞节晚餐。They were married with all the trimmings.他们结婚时大操大办,花样繁多。I want a plain black cardigan with no fancy trimmings.我要一件素净的黑色套头外衣,没有花哨镶边的。They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.他们毕业后不久就大操大办地结婚了。Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.用剩余的油酥面皮装饰苹果。He cut a circle out of a piece of paper and threw away the trimmings.他在一张纸上剪下一个圆圈,然后把多余的碎片扔掉了。Trim the hedge and collect the trimmings.把树篱修剪一下,然后把剪下的枝条收在一起。The trimmings were divided out and taken back to Leigh where they were planted.修剪下来的树枝分配好后又被运回原种植地利尔伯恩。Tonight it was turkey with all the trimmings.今晚吃的是火鸡和各种花色配菜。




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