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词汇 bursting
例句 She was bursting with energy and vivacity.她精力充沛,活力四射。The nightclub was bursting at the seams.夜总会快被挤爆了。When all the family is home the house is bursting at the seams.当全家人都回来的时候,家里拥挤不堪。The room was full to bursting.房间快要挤爆了。The wardrobes were bursting with clothes.衣柜里塞满了衣服。The hotels of Warsaw, Prague and Budapest were bursting at the seams.华沙、布拉格和布达佩斯的旅馆均是人满为患。But three months later, I still found myself unable to say his name without bursting into tears.但三个月了,我依然是一说到他的名字就会泪流满面。They jumped around, bursting the bubbles.他们蹦着跳着,把气泡弄破了。The city is already bursting at the seams.这城市已拥挤不堪。The plane was filled to bursting.飞机装得满满的。He is bursting to tell you the news.他急着要把这消息告诉你。Every now and then you hear some bombs bursting.你会时不时地听到一些爆炸声。We're bursting with impatience to see him.我们迫不及待地想见到他。John ate too much and was bursting at the seams.约翰吃得过多,肚子都快胀破了。They came back from their honeymoon bursting with vitality.他们蜜月归来之后充满活力。The camps are said to be bursting at the seams.据说帐篷的缝合处快炸线了。I was bursting with curiosity.我满心好奇。Malaria is bursting out again all over the world.疟疾在世界范围内再次爆发。This city is bursting at the seams with would-be actors.这座城市聚集了大量梦想成为演员的人。The place appears to be bursting with women directors.这个地方似乎挤满了女导演。She kept bursting into tears over nothing at work.她老是为工作上微不足道的事儿哭鼻子。The city was bursting with visitors.城里到处都是游客。John was bursting with ideas and good humour.约翰主意多,脾气好。He struggled to rise with his chest near to bursting from want of air.他挣扎着要起来,由于透不过气来,胸口几乎要炸了。She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待地想宣布这个消息,但她发过誓要守口如瓶。The hall was bursting at the seams.大厅被挤爆了。Olly was bursting with curiosity about the new house.奥利对新房子充满了好奇。The crate was bursting with fruit.柳条箱里装满了水果。He was bursting with excitement.他兴奋不已。The dish is bursting with flavors.这道菜味道丰富。The camps are said to be bursting at the seams.据说露营地已经满员了。Hong Kong is bursting with commercial activity.香港的商务活动十分活跃。He came bursting out, and the girl melted away immediately.他突然冲了出来,那女孩就立即悄悄走掉了。Her parents were practically bursting with pride.她的父母简直神气十足。A great chunk of loose kerbing smashed into my left-front wheel, bursting the tyre and denting the rim.我车子的左前轮撞在一大块松动的路缘石上,导致车胎爆裂、轮辋凹陷。I'm bursting to tell you the news, but I have to talk to Ken first.我太想把这个消息告诉你了,但我得先和肯谈谈。The Concorde disaster was caused by a tyre bursting.那次协和式飞机灾难是因一个轮胎爆裂引起的。The shops are bursting with food.商店里摆满了各种食物。The filing cabinet was full to bursting.文件柜塞得满满的。The garden is bursting at the seams with colorful flowers.花园中开满了五颜六色的花朵。




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