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词汇 burrowed
例句 The mole burrowed its way under the ground.鼹鼠在地下刨出一条通道。He switched off the lamp and burrowed down beneath the bedclothes.他关掉灯,钻到被窝里。He opened his holdall and burrowed under the clothing it contained.他打开大旅行袋,伸手在里面装的衣物下面摸索。She burrowed her head into his shoulder.她把头埋在他肩上。The child stirred and burrowed deeper into the bed.那孩子翻了个身,在被窝里钻得更深了。The little girl burrowed against his back for warmth.小女孩紧贴着他的背取暖。The mole quickly burrowed out of sight.鼹鼠很快地在地上钻了一个洞,不见了。I burrowed through my purse looking for change.我把手伸进手提包找零钱。The rats burrowed under the ground in the old cemetery.老鼠在旧公墓的地下打洞。She burrowed deep under the blankets.她钻到毯子里,把自己盖得产严实实的。The rabbit burrowed into the side of the hill.兔子在山坡上打了个洞。Ivy had burrowed its way through the walls.常春藤蜿蜒着爬满了墙。He burrowed into the pile of charts.他在那堆图表里翻找。She burrowed under blankets on her bed.她钻到床上的毯子下面。Helen burrowed in her bag for a handkerchief.海伦把手伸进口袋里掏手帕。The cat burrowed itself between two cushions to keep warm.猫儿钻进两只靠垫中间去取暖。The dog burrowed into the earth, looking for the bone.那条狗在地上掘洞寻找那根骨头。The fox burrowed several holes near the haystack.那头狐狸在草堆附近挖了几个洞。He burrowed into the pile of charts feverishly.他非常紧张地在一堆图表中翻找。He burrowed inside his driving jacket and fetched out a small pair of binoculars.他在防风夹克中掏了掏,拿出了一副小型双筒望远镜。He burrowed under the duvet.他钻到羽绒被下面。The rabbits had burrowed a hole under the fence.兔子在篱笆下掘了个洞。We burrowed a path through the crowd.我们从人群中挤出一条路来。Rabbits had burrowed under the fence.兔子在栅栏下面挖了洞。Some creature had burrowed in a corner where there wasn't any concrete.不知什么动物在一个没有混凝土的角落里挖了洞。The baby burrowed her head into/against her mother's chest.婴儿把头依偎在母亲的怀里。




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