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词汇 biography
例句 He reads nothing but biography.他别的书不看,光读传记。He wrote a powerful and evocative biography.他写了一部具有强大感召力的传记。In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman.在这本新的传记里,她被描写为一位孤独的、不快乐的女子。This book is a well balanced biography.此书是一部相当客观的传记。The actor's letters form the basis of the biography. 这个演员的传记取材自他的信件。Her recent book provides us with a new paradigm for modern biography.她新近的作品为我们提供了现代传记的新范例。Hodges wrote an unofficial biography of the artist.霍奇斯写了一部这位艺术家的非正式传记。That biography is an illuminating footnote to the history of our times.那篇传记对我们这个时代是一个很有启发性的说明。It is, in its way, a maddening biography.客观来说,这部传记很是令人气愤。He has written a speculative biography of Christopher Marlowe.他写了一篇关于克里斯托弗·马洛的推测性传记。There is a new biography of the redoubtable Winston Churchill.有一本关于可敬的温斯顿·丘吉尔的新传记。He was given the run of Shaw's library while writing his biography.他给萧伯纳写传记期间,可以随意出入他的图书室。His biography tells the story of a poor boy who grew up to be a millionaire and lived happily ever after.他的传记讲述了一个穷小子成长为百万富翁并从此过上了幸福生活的故事。The biography uses mostly secondary sources. 这部传记主要用的是二手信息。He has been gathering material for a new biography.他一直在为一本新传记收集资料。His biography has been out of print for years. 他的传记已绝版多年。Caro came in for a lot of criticism for his biography of the late president.卡罗撰写了已故总统的传记,受到许多批评。She always refused to discuss the discrepancies in her biography.她始终拒绝讨论她自传中的不一致之处。The biography shows how schizoid his career has been.这部传记表明他的职业生涯是多么的变幻无常。I have read a biography of Abraham Lincoln.我读过一部亚伯拉罕‧林肯的传记。The biography reviewed her accomplishments.这本传记回顾了她的成就。I'm reading a biography of Alexander the Great.我在看一部亚历山大大帝的传记。Her biography is clear, detailed, and illuminating.她的传记叙述清晰,内容详细,富于启发。That biography is an illuminating footnote to our times.那篇传记对我们这个时代是个很有启发性的补充说明。I have been asked to write a biography of Thomas.我已应邀为托马斯写一部传记。This is an authoritative biography.这是一本具有权威性的传记。Now she is busy finishing off a biography of Queen Caroline.现在她正忙着完成卡罗琳王后的传记。The letters were used as source material in this new biography.这本新传记把这些信件用作原始资料。This biography delves deep into the artist's private life.这部传记深入探究这位艺术家的私人生活。She has written a biography of Jane Austen.她写了一本简·奥斯汀的传记。The letters are included as an addendum to the biography.这些信作为补遗收录在传记中。This new biography is the first to consider fully the writer's gestalt.这部新传记第一次全面探讨了这位作家的各个方面。His life is chronicled in a new biography published last week.他的生平被写成一本新传记,上周出版了。The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.评论者在他的评论中添加了冗长的作者生平以拉长篇幅。There is a basic problem which stems from the incompatibilities of history and biography.这里存在着一个由于史学和传记文学互不相容的特点而产生的基本问题。The stories he collected became material for the biography he is now writing.他收集的故事成了他现在正在写的那本传记的素材。He does not sentimentalize in his biography.他并没有在自传中煽情。The biography is an attempt to uncover the inner man.该传记试图揭示他内心世界的隐秘。This is a competent and well-researched biography.这本传记内容精彩,资料翔实。This is a compellingly readable biography.这是一部读起来引人入胜的传记。




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