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词汇 to achieve
例句 She is very tenacious and will work hard and long to achieve objectives.她是个锲而不舍的人,为了达到目标愿意长期苦干。The government has employed a dual strategy to achieve these two objectives.为了完成这两个目标,政府采取了双管齐下的策略。This means there will not have to be any busing to achieve a racial balance in the school.这意味着学校将不必提供校车接送服务以实现种族平衡。I felt there was a lot of pressure on me to achieve, both academically and socially.我感到有许多压力逼着我去努力获得学术上和社会上的双重成功。You will have to work hard to achieve your aim.你必须努力才能实现你的目标。They tried to achieve their aims by passive resistance.他们试图通过非暴力抵抗达到目的。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。Failing to achieve your goals, even only by a small margin, is not good for self-esteem.没有实现自己的目标,哪怕是只差一步,也会伤害自尊心。Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.女性在很多领域还没能争取到薪金、职位方面的平等。They might well be prepared to do you harm in order to achieve their purpose.为了实现目标,他们很可能会不惜伤害你。We want all our students to achieve within their chosen profession.我们希望所有的学生在自己选择的专业领域内都能有所成就。Some people want to achieve immortality through their works.有些人想通过其作品流芳百世。She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.她希望实现当歌唱家的抱负。He was extremely devious in his efforts to achieve his heart's desire.他在设法得到自己的中意之物时会不择手段。Women had to corset themselves cruelly to achieve those tiny waists.以前女人们得毫不留情给自己穿上紧身褡,好束出诸如此般不盈一握的腰身。There are some writers so obviously gifted that their failure to achieve recognition astonishes us.有些作家才华如此显著而居然无人赏识,这使我们大为惊讶。She meditates to achieve a higher state of being.她努力通过沉思默想达到一个更高的境界。It has taken years to achieve the position we are now in.我们花了多年的时间才取得现在的地位。Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency.我们的目标是取得最高的效率。The engine is mounted in the middle to achieve a more even weight distribution.发动机安装在中间,以使重量分布更均衡。I wanted us to be friends again, but I wasn't prepared to be treated like dirt to achieve it.我希望我们再成为朋友,但是我也不想为此而被你踩在脚下。They fought for years to achieve nationhood.他们为实现国家独立而奋斗了多年。I'm sure many businessmen use some form of deception, at times, to achieve their objectives.我肯定许多商人有时候为了达到目的会使用某种欺骗手段。They're fine-tuning interest rates to achieve economic growth without inflation.他们正微调利率,以实现不会引发通货膨胀的经济增长。Their goal is to achieve basic literacy.他们的目标是具备基本的读写能力。Students are driven by the desire to achieve.学生为获得成功的渴望所驱动。The former leader now has to watch his successor unpicking what he strived so hard to achieve.这位前任领导现在不得不眼睁睁地看着他的继任者一点点地毁掉他辛苦开创的局面。It's difficult to achieve a good result if you use blunt tools.如果使用的工具不锋利,就很难达到好的效果。They have set themselves a series of goals to achieve by the end of the month.他们为自己制定了月底前要完成的一系列目标。She had to work hard for many years to achieve success, but now she has it made in the shade.她当时必须苦干多年以获得成功,不过她现在日子过得很安逸了。The guerrillas are prepared to fight to the bitter end in order to achieve their goal.游击队员们准备为实现目标战斗到底。We hope to achieve staffing cuts through voluntary redundancy and a freeze on recruitment.我们希望通过员工自愿离职和暂时停止招聘的方式来达到裁员的目的。This year, our company was able to achieve all of its production goals.今年,我们公司实现了所有的生产目标。Take care to achieve a balance between career and home life.注意事业和家庭生活一定要做到平衡。Buddhism teaches you how to achieve inner peace.佛教教你怎样获得内心的平静。She was elated at what she was able to achieve.她对自己能够取得的成就感到得意。How to achieve the perfect figure without dieting.如何不用节食就能获得完美的体形The ads helped the brand to achieve iconic status.这些广告帮助该品牌成为人们追捧的对象。The film-makers went to great lengths to achieve historical accuracy in every detail.为了让每个细节都与历史吻合,这些电影制片人真是不遗余力。Not everyone has the dedication and the talent to achieve this.不是每个人都有取得这一成就的奉献精神和聪明才智。




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