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词汇 tactless
例句 He was blunt in speech and could be tactless.他说话太直了,可能不够圆通。I thought it would be tactless to ask about her divorce.我认为问她离婚的事不太明智。She means well, but she's a bit tactless.她本意虽好,却不太讲究策略。He had alienated many people with his tactless remarks.他说话没个轻重,得罪了许多人。Throughout his school life Darius was tactless and egocentric.上学期间,达赖厄斯粗鲁冒失,而且总以自我为中心。His comments were well-meant but a little tactless.他的这番话用意是好的,但有点得罪人。He made all sorts of tactless remarks about her appearance.他对她的长相直言不讳。The officer realized he might have been tactless.警官意识到自己可能有些冒失。She was often tactless and insensitive.她常常言行唐突,对人冷漠。Formal, exact and obstinate, he was also cold, suspicious, touchy and tactless.严肃、严谨、倔强的他同时又冷漠、多疑、敏感、不会变通。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快。I wanted to know about her divorce, but I thought it would be tactless to ask.我想知道她离婚的情况,但觉得问的话可能欠妥。It was a bit tactless of you to start talking about her ex-boyfriend.你真是不得体,提起她以前的男朋友。It was tactless of you to ask.你去问是没分寸的做法。It was tactless of you to invite his ex-girlfriend.你邀请他的前任女友很不明智。His tactless remarks were enough to raise anyone's hackles.他不得体的话语足以激起任何人的怒火。How could he be so tactless as to make jokes about funerals when her father's just died?他怎么这么不会说话,她父亲刚过世,他却拿丧礼开玩笑?I wanted to know about her divorce but thought it would be tactless to ask.我想了解她离婚的事,但问她又觉得不妥。She's one of the most tactless people I've ever met.她是我见过的最不圆通的人之一。Some people called him arrogant, tactless and spiteful.一些人称他傲慢、冒失并且不怀好意。His tactless remark killed the conversation.他一句不得体的话使谈话无法继续下去了。It was rather tactless of me to ask such a question.我竟问出这么个问题,实在是少了个心眼儿。




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