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词汇 student
例句 She had lost her virginity to a law student while at university.她大学时把她的童贞给了法律系的一个学生。The student prepared his lessons well and was forward with his answers.这个学生把功课准备得很充分,回答问题很踊跃。This student's attendance and punctuality have not been good.这名学生出勤情况不好,也不准时。The principal is caught in a double bind because whether she expels the student or lets him off, she still gets blamed.校长陷入了左右为难的境地,因为无论是把男孩开除还是对他从轻处理,她都会受到指责。There's one student who knocks spots off all the others.有一个学生轻易地把所有其他人都甩在后面。Pamela knew she was a good student, and that was not just a conceit.帕梅拉知道自己是个好学生,而这绝不仅仅是自负。Under the circumstances, the principal was justified in expelling this student.在这种情况下,校长完全有理由开除这名学生。Every student is required to conform his behavior to the rules.每个学生都必须遵守校规。The new building will mean that we can meet the challenge of increasing student numbers.新大楼的建成意味着我们可以应付学生数量不断增加的问题了。As a student, he was brilliant but sloppy.读书时,他很聪明,但学习态度马马虎虎。On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student.在教育投资方面,日本花在每位学生身上的钱最少,但却做得最好。The student has trouble expressing his ideas coherently.这名学生难以条理分明地表达自己的想法。The report stressed that student math skills need to improve.报告着重指出学生的数学能力需要提高。A student who has no desire to learn greatly complicates the teacher's job.碰到没有求知欲的学生,教师的工作就很复杂了。This student is a pattern of what a good student should be.这个学生是好学生的一个样板。The inexperience of the teaching staff has taken its toll on student test scores.教员经验不足,已经对学生的考试成绩产生了重大的影响。The teacher made an example of the boy who copied from another student during a test.教师当众惩戒在考试中抄袭他人的男孩以儆效尤。The dead student is now being regarded as a martyr.这位死去的学生现在被视为烈士。This type of exam does not provide a fair test of the student's knowledge.这种类型的考试不能公平地测试学生的知识水平。In the examinations we shall come down hard on any student who attempts to cheat.考试期间,我们将严厉惩罚任何企图作弊的学生。A good teacher is aware of the extremely varied needs of each student.好老师能了解每位学生的不同需求。The student showed no sign of nervousness.这名学生看上去一点也不紧张。We wonder that the little boy is a university student.我们很惊奇这小男孩是大学生。Susan is a good student; that is to say,she gets good grades in school.苏珊是个好学生,也就是说,她在学校里成绩很好。The competition was won by a Nigerian student.这场比赛获胜者是一个尼日利亚学生。The old system of student funding seemed much fairer.以前的学生资助制度好像更加公平合理。It's the story of a secret affair between a married teacher and her teenage student.这是一个已婚教师和她一个十几岁的学生私通的故事。Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration.警察向示威游行中的一名学生开枪后突然发生了暴乱。An average student always has problems with language.一般水平的学生在语言表达能力上总是有些问题。We seek to help every student discover the joy and fulfillment in the obtainment of knowledge.我们试图帮助每个学生发现获得知识的欢乐和充实。The examiners can dropon any student to answer questions.主考人可以挑任何一位学生来回答问题。He thought back to his time as a student and felt no nostalgia for any of it.他回想起学生时代,却没有怀念之情。The family rolled out the welcome mat for the new exchange student.这个家庭热情接待了新来的交换生。The student received the accolade of the Ph.D.这个学生获得哲学博士学位的荣衔。The rule presupposes a need to restrict student access to the library.规则制定之初就假定有必要限制学生使用图书馆。Demographic variables have been shown to contribute the most variance in student delinquency.经证实,人口统计变量是构成学生犯罪差异的最大变量。Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。The cost of student accommodation is higher than it was a year ago.学生的住宿费比一年前贵了。She was a very conscientious student and attended all her lectures.她是个非常认真的学生,每堂课她都去听。As a graduate student, he spent a term at Wichita State University.他读研究生的时候,在威奇托州立大学度过了一个学期。




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