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She was transported with joy by the good news.她听到这好消息欣喜万分。He was overjoyed at his elevation to that honourable post.他因晋升荣衔而欣喜万分。The news filled us with exaltation.这消息使我们欣喜万分。The children had a field day whenever George came to visit us.每次乔治来看望我们,孩子们总是欣喜万分。Elated with the election victory, the crowd waved banners and chanted.选举胜利,人们欣喜万分地挥舞着旗帜唱歌。Ferdinand was jubilant after an impressive comeback from a month on the injured list.受伤一个月后奇迹般康复了,费迪南德欣喜万分。 |