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词汇 欧元
例句 The US dollar is expected to depreciate against the euro.美元预计对欧元贬值。The advent of the Euro will redefine Europe.欧元的出现将重新定义欧洲。French people were asked how they felt about the change from the franc to the Euro.法国人民被问到将法郎换成欧元感觉如何。Most EU states have crossed the Rubicon and adopted the euro.大多数的欧盟国家已经下了决心采用欧元The bikes can be taken by paying a two-euro returnable deposit from coin-operated stands.往投币机里投两欧元的押金后便可取用自行车。Millions of words have been written about the introduction of the euro.有关采用欧元的文章数不胜数。You can pay in dollars or Euros at the airport.在机场你可以使用美元或欧元The dollar has fallen to a new low against the Euro.美元对欧元的比价已跌至一个新的低点。She made the conversion effortlessly, took my ten-euro note, and gave my change in sterling.她不费吹灰之力就完成了换算,收了我十欧元钞票,找给了我英镑。Analysts say that the value of the Euro could hit rock bottom in the next few months.分析师说接下来的几个月,欧元的币值可能降至最低点。Companies risk losing business if they don't accept the Euro.公司如果不接受欧元就要冒亏损的风险。France has changed from the franc to the euro.法国已经将法郎改为欧元The euro has fallen to a new low against the dollar.欧元对美元的汇率降到了新低。The pound reached a new high against the euro yesterday.昨天英镑对欧元的汇率达到了新高。The dollar has continued to weaken against the euro.美元对欧元持续贬值。The pound held its value against the euro.英镑保持与欧元的比价不变。Tourists cry foul as euro pushes up cost of holidays.欧元抬高了度假所需的费用时,游客们抱怨连连。My hunch is that the euro will get even weaker.我的直觉是欧元还将继续走弱。Prices are given in pounds and euros.价格用英镑和欧元标出。I have to go to the bank and get some Euros.我得去银行兑换些欧元More than €2.5 million lies unclaimed in bank accounts.银行账户里有超过两百五十万欧元的无主存款。Were there any problems during the changeover from the franc to the euro?法郎向欧元转换的过程中出现过问题吗?It was the lowest level of support for the euro in any country.当时是各国对欧元支持率最低的时期。I need to change my pounds into euros.我需要把英镑换成欧元The Euro edged higher against the dollar.欧元对美元的比价渐渐上涨了。The dollar remained firm against the euro.美元兑欧元的汇率依旧坚挺。I got loads of bumf about the introduction of the Euro.我收到一大堆关于推行欧元的无聊传单。France has changed its monetary unit from the franc to the euro.法国将其货币单位由法郎改为欧元Profits have been helped by the relative strength of the euro against the dollar.欧元相对于美元较为坚挺,因此收益较高。Coin-operated machines in England reject euros.英格兰的投币机不接受欧元The euro plunged to its lowest rate against the dollar.欧元对美元的比价猛跌到了历史最低。Soon after France adopted the euro, the French franc ceased to be legal tender.法国使用欧元后,很快法国法郎便不再是法定货币。Tickets are a snip at only three euros each.每张只要三欧元的便宜票。The introduction of the Euro should make trade between European countries much easier.欧元的使用应该能给欧洲各国间的贸易带来更多便利。The euro will have a circulation second only to that of the dollar.欧元的流通量将仅次于美元。The dollar has replaced the euro as fund managers' favourite currency.美元取代欧元成为基金经理最喜欢的货币。The euro rose in value.欧元升值。The euro moved from the realms of theory into reality.欧元由理论变成了现实。A non-euro EU member will be an oddity.一个不使用欧元的欧盟成员国将成为异类。The euro has strengthened against the dollar.欧元相对于美元变得更加坚挺。




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