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词汇 settle for
例句 Arthur will have to accept the fact that he may have to settle for second best.阿瑟将不得不接受屈居第二的现实。Virginia was a perfectionist. She was just not prepared to settle for anything mediocre.弗吉尼娅是个完美主义者,她根本不愿意拿任何普普通通毫无特色的东西将就。Since you have no spirit, I have to settle for beer.既然你没有烈性酒,我就喝点啤酒吧。You deserve the best treatment. Why settle for less? 你应该受到最好的待遇,干吗要将就呢?Neither team would settle for a tie score.两个队都不会接受平分。They have already declared their intention to fight on rather than settle for half-measures.他们已经宣布要继续战斗,而不是半途而废。Typically, parents apply to several schools and settle for their fourth or fifth choice.父母向来会申请好几个学校,并将就接受第四或第五个选择。The author has settled for a more academic approach.那位作者已确定采用更为学术的方法。He won't settle for second best.他不会退而求其次的。Don't compromise: don't settle for second best.不要妥协:不要退而求其次。I am not prepared to see children in some parts of this country having to settle for a second-class education.我没有料到会发现在这个国家的一些地区孩子们只能接受二流的教育。He will settle for any kind of work.什么工作他都会将就着做。 As he could not find a manager's job, he had to settle for the position of a butler.因为找不到经理的工作,他只好接受了男管家的职位。We reached the hotel late and had to settle for a room without a view.我们到旅馆时已很晚,只好勉强要了一间看不到风景的房间。Since money was tight, we settled for a short trip to the south.既然钱紧了一点,我们退而求其次,来一趟短期的南部之旅。Don't compromise. Don't settle for second best.不要妥协。别同意接受二流的解决办法。Don't settle for second best.不要退而求其次。England will have to settle for third or fourth place.英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。They would settle for nothing short of total independence.他们只有得到完全独立才肯罢休。She never settles for second best.她从不甘心于退而求其次。Injuries and illness forced the team to settle for third place.伤病使该队只好接受第三名的成绩。I want $2000 for my car and I won't settle for less.我要两千美元才卖车,低于这个价我可不要。He settled for a Mickey Mouse job instead of something challenging.他没有去做具有挑战性的事情,而是将就着接受了一份微不足道的工作。I ran well but still had to settle for second.我跑得不错,但是只得了第二名。I'm determined to win the championship and I won't settle for less.我下定决心要拿冠军,不达目的誓不罢休。Once you've tasted luxury it's very hard to settle for anything else.你一旦体验过奢侈的滋味,就很难将就了。This book settles for rigour of text while allowing for an enlivenment of illustration.该书追求文本的准确性,同时又顾及插图的生动活泼。He may have to settle for a backup role.他可能不得不接受自己只能起辅助作用的现实。The case was settled for an undisclosed sum last year.此案去年达成和解,赔偿额未予公开。He refused to settle for anything that was second best.他拒不接受不是最好的东西。They originally asked for $5 million, but finally settled for a lesser sum.他们原先要五百万美元,但最后同意少一些。He wants a full refund and he won't settle for anything less.他想全额退款,少一分也不行。




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