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词汇 revolve
例句 Satellites revolve around their planets.卫星绕着各自的行星运转。Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转,引人惊奇。A foot pedal is used to revolve the wheel.脚踏板用来使轮子转动。What is the spirit that makes the firmament revolve; wherefore does the evening star sink into the western wave but to rise from the radiant East?是什么天使幽灵使苍天轮转;从而使金星落于西天的晚霞,又升起在灿烂的东方? For simplicity, let's pretend for a moment that the Earth does not revolve.为了简单起见,我们暂时假设地球是不转的。The software allows you to revolve images.这款软件可以实现图像转动。I can't just drop everything to help you. The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.我不能放下所有的事去帮你,你知道,这世界不是围着你转的。The wheels began to revolve slowly.车轮开始慢慢转动。The world does not revolve around you. 世界不是围着你转的。Their troubles revolve around money management.他们的麻烦围绕在金钱处理上。




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