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词汇 friends
例句 I'm glad that we can have a difference of opinion and still be friends.我们虽然意见不一但仍然是朋友,这让我高兴。A select group of their friends was invited to the wedding.他们的经过挑选的一群朋友应邀参加婚礼。One of my mum's friends was getting a new sofa, and so she let us have the old one.我妈妈的一个朋友买了新沙发,所以就把旧的给了我们。Best friends are always there for each other in times of trouble.在困难时最好的朋友总会伴随身边。We have relationships of many different sorts – with our children, our parents, our boss and our friends, to name but a few.我们有各式各样的人际关系 — 有和子女的关系,有和父母的关系,还有和老板、朋友的关系,这些只是其中的几类。I have been blessed with an astonishing number of wonderful friends, far beyond my deserts.我有幸结交了一大群非常优秀的朋友,远超我所应得的。He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends.他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。He will visit what few friends he has.他将拜访他仅有的几个朋友。Don't get the wrong idea about Dan and Helen – they're just friends.不要误会丹和海伦,他俩不过是朋友而已。Email is a great way to stay in touch with friends.电子邮件是朋友之间保持联络的极好方式。When someone is down on their luck, friends are very difficult to find.一个人穷困潦倒的时候,很难找到朋友。One should cling to one's friends.对朋友应该忠实。She has a very mixed group of friends.她的朋友里有各种各样的人。We invited our friends and neighbors.我们邀请了朋友和邻居。He enjoys playing pranks on his friends.他喜欢捉弄他的朋友们。They had met but were not, in fact, friends.他们见过,但其实不是朋友。She's looking forward to meeting new friends.她盼望着结识新朋友。My friends and family laughed in my face and told me I'd never do it.我的朋友和家人当面嘲笑我,对我说我永远不可能成功。His friends fell off one by one.他的朋友一个一个地跟他疏远了。She's very good at making friends with people from all walks of life.她很善于结交各行各业的朋友。They were close friends in college, but after graduation, their lives diverged.他们大学时是密友,但毕业后他们的生活大不一样。Things weren't so bad, after all. I was among friends again.情况还不是那么糟糕,毕竟我又回到了朋友当中。Even close friends were unaware of the tribulations she faced.即使是亲近的朋友也不了解她所面对的种种艰辛。It was my friends that kept me going through all this.是我的朋友们让我坚持下去,度过了这一切。It was great living in Prague, but I really missed all my friends.在布拉格的生活很好,但是我非常想念我的所有朋友。He fell off his horse in full view of his friends.他在朋友们众目睽睽之下从马上摔下来。On one occasion, Anna fainted while out shopping with friends.有一次安娜和朋友出去购物时晕倒了。My mother tried to fix me up with one of her friends' sons.我母亲想方设法安排我和她朋友的儿子约会。He can be quite stand-offish and rude, even to his friends.他有时会很冷淡,很粗鲁,甚至对自己的朋友也是如此。His plan was dismissed outright by his friends.他的朋友们完全不理会他的计划。Their friends helped out with the fundraising.他们的朋友出手帮助募捐。Being there gave me a chance to touch base with three friends whom I had not seen for a year.在那里,让我有机会和一年没见面的三个朋友取得了联系。Adams was not invited, and neither were any of his friends.亚当斯未被邀请,而且他的朋友也没有一个被邀请。Mary is so good-natured that her friends constantly put upon her.玛丽性情非常善良,以致她的朋友经常利用她。Their relationship has developed slowly, but they now consider each other close friends.他们的关系发展得很慢,但是现在都当对方是密友了。Several of her friends were mainlining heroin.她有几个朋友注射海洛因。She expects her friends to fall in with everything she wants to do.她希望朋友们事事都能依着她。They became friends after meeting at college.他们上大学时相遇后就成了朋友。Paul and Mark agreed to sink their differences and be friends.保罗和马克同意放下成见,成为朋友。She was on the phone for hours last night, just rattling on to her friends.昨晚她打电话没完没了,跟她那些朋友们唠叨了好几个小时。




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