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词汇 fright
例句 Isabel's heart was beating fast with fright.伊莎贝尔因为恐惧而心跳加快。He almost died of fright when the fish jumped out of the water.鱼从水中跳了出来,把他吓坏了。I had the fright of my life when I saw him there.当我看到他在那儿时,我感到了一阵从未有过的恐惧。An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire.一匹未经训练的马听到枪响受了惊。You look a fright in that hat.你戴那顶帽子很难看。Sorry, I didn't mean to give you a fright.对不起,我不是故意要吓你的。The little boy shied in fright when he saw the bully.小男孩见到那流氓吓得连连畏缩。The horse reared in fright.马受惊吓用后腿直立起来。He really gave me a fright when he phoned at that time of night.他半夜三更给我打电话,真把我吓了一大跳。I heard Mary cry out in fright.我听到玛丽惊恐地叫了起来。Her face paled with fright.她吓得脸都白了。My heart was nearly exploding in fright.我非常恐惧,心脏几乎要炸开了。Leah got such a fright that she dropped the tray.利娅吓得失手掉了盘子。He took fright at the idea.他听了这个主意大吃一惊。I had a terrible fright this morning when I saw you there.早上看到你在那儿,我吓了一大跳。The creaking door gave them a fright.门嘎吱一声响,把他们吓了一跳。Her face was colourless from fright.她吓得脸色发白。Neely alternated between anger and fright.尼利时而发怒,时而害怕。I accidentally touched a live wire in the motor, and even though it didn't hurt me it gave me a hell of a fright.我无意中碰到发动机里一根带电的电线,虽然没受伤,却把我吓了一大跳。His stomach contracted with fright.他因为恐惧胃部一阵强直性痉挛。The last time you had a real fright, you nearly crashed the car.上一次你吓得够呛,差点儿把车撞烂了。Passengers had a nasty fright when they heard an announcement warning of an imminent crash.当听到即将撞机的警报时,乘客们都大惊失色。She let out a squeak of fright at the sight of the spider.她看到蜘蛛时吓得尖叫了一声。The boy looks frozen with fright.那男孩看来已吓得无法动弹。I get stage fright whenever I have to speak in front of a large group of people.每当要站在一大群人面前说话时,我就怯场。To hide my fright I asked a question.为了掩饰内心的恐慌我提了个问题。I got a terrible fright when that dog jumped out at me.那条狗突然跳出向我冲过来,真把我吓得半死。I got such a fright when Joe burst through the door.乔破门而入吓了我一大跳。Investors took fright at the news and pulled their money.投资者对此消息顿觉恐惧,就撤资了。They stood there, frozen with fright.他们站在那儿,吓呆了。I had the fright of my life when I saw the snake in my bed.看到床上有条蛇是我平生最恐惧的事。The birds took fright at the sight of the cat and flew off.鸟儿看到猫后吓得飞走了。She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger.她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了。I heard Amy cry out in fright.我听到埃米惊恐地大声喊叫。He was paralyzed with/by fright. 他吓得不能动弹。His face is so swelled up it's a fright to look at.他的脸肿胀得厉害,看起来很吓人。Her eyes were wide with fright.她吓得睁大了眼睛。When you jumped out from behind the door it gave me such a fright! 你从门后跳出来的时候吓了我一跳。Alexander looked down the hall, and went pale with fright. It was as if he had seen a ghost.亚历山大往走廊里看,吓得面如死灰,好像看见鬼似的。When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.开支猛涨,电影制作公司惊恐之余从罗马召回了那批人员。




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